Education Co-Chairs: – Michele Pugnaire, MD Senior Associate Dean for Educational Affairs – Randall Long, MD, PhD Neurology Interim Department Chair Charge: With a goal of representing the shared vision of our educational mission over the next five years, the Education Work Group will: 1. Anticipate the size and structure of the educational programs 2. Identify common needs & opportunities for shared solutions: For example: 1. IT 2. Space 3. Learner services 4. Student life 3. Identify opportunities for linkage to emerging internal & external initiatives 4. Generate recommendations for aligning & prioritizing resources for the Educational Mission across the institution
Education Members: 1. *Co-Chair - Michele Pugnaire, MDSenior Assoc Dean Educational Affairs, Family Med Comm Health 2. *Co-chair - Randall Long, MD, PhDChair Representative to Ed Work Group, Neurology GSBS 3. *Tony Carruthers, PhDDean, GSBS, Biochem/Molec Pharm 4. Marc Freeman, PhDChair Graduate Council/ Fac at Large for GSBS, Asst Prof Neuroscience 5. Ken Knight, PhD Assoc Dean GSBS, Biochem/Molec Pharm 6. Michael Cole, MASenior Director of Admissions for GSBS GSN 7. *Paulette Seymour, PhD, RN, MSDean, Graduate School of Nursing 8. Janet Hale, PhD, APRN, BCAssoc Dean for Academic Affairs & Director Interdisciplinary & Community Partnerships/Professor, Graduate School of Nursing 9. Kathy Miller, EdD, RN, ANPAssoc Dean for Advanced Practice Programs 10. Christine Curran, PhD, RNAssoc Chief Nursing Officer * Guiding Coalition
Education Members continued GME: 11. *Deborah DeMarco, MDAssoc Dean for Graduate Medical Ed, Medicine/Rheumatology 12. Ellie Duduch, MDProgram Director, Anesthesiology Residency Program 13. Jordan Eisenstock, MDUMMS Alum/Senior Resident Neuropsychiatry UME: 14. Mai-Lan Rogoff, MDAssoc Dean for Student Affairs, Psychiatry 15. John Paraskos, MDAssoc Dean for Admissions, Medicine/Cardiology 16. Robert Baldor, MDEPC Chair, Fac at Large for UME, Prof Family Med Community Health CME: 17. *Richard Aghababian, MDAssoc Dean for Continuing Med Ed, Emergency Medicine CROSS SCHOOLS: 18. Deborah Harmon-Hines, PhDAssoc Vice Chancellor for School Services, Cell Biology 19. Elliot Androphy, MD, PhD Director MD PhD Program, Medicine 20. Tim Rooney MS IIThree Schools Committee * Guiding Coalition