Foreign National Documentation UCSC Financial Accounting & Reporting (FAR) & Payroll Office May 2013
Documentation to enter the U.S. Passport: Travel document Visa: permission to present self at U.S. border to ask for entry under a certain classification I-94/I-94W: Visa Status- purpose for which the USCIS lets one enter the U.S.
Passport A passport is a document, issued by a national government, which certifies, for the purpose of international travel, the identity and nationality of its holder. t
A travel document issued by a U.S. consulate abroad that allows the foreigner to travel to the U.S. to ask for admission at the U.S. Port of entry Visa
Visa vs. “Visa Status” A visa allows a foreign national to travel to the U.S. and apply for admission during the validity period on the visa. The visa status confers immigration status, work authorization or relates to the time period that the foreign national may remain in the U.S. –Visa Status is indicated on the I-94 Form.
F-1 Visa and I-20 F-1’s are for foreign students who are attending school in the United States. The I-20 is provided by the School (UCSC). The Form # is on the bottom of the page
J-1 Visa and DS 2019 J-1’s are for persons who are approved to participate in exchange visitor programs in the United States. DS 2019 is provided by program sponsor (UCSC). The Form # is on the bottom of the page
I-94 Arrival/Departure Record The document is issued at the Port-of-Entry and provided by the traveler I-94 and I-94W
I-94 Arrival/Departure Record As of April 30 th, 2013 the I-94 process had been automated. Those effected will need to print out hard copy of the form from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at Automated I-94
Electronic System for Travel Authorization - ESTA A new online system that is part of the Visa Waiver Program All nationals or citizens of Visa Waiver Program (VWP) countries who plan to travel to the United States for temporary business or pleasure will be required to be approved through ESTA prior to boarding a carrier to travel by air or sea to the United States under the VWP. ESTA only allows you to board the flight, it doesn't guarantee admittance to the U.S. this will be up to the discretion of the US CBP officer at the port of entry.
ESTA continued ESTA does not take the place of the I-94W EXAMPLE:
Employment Authorization Card (EAD) Evidentiary document that provides work authorization.
EAD Card continued F-1 Visa holders, may have EAD card with OPT status. This is located under “Terms & Conditions” of the card. Accounting needs copy of EAD card and I-20 form.
Permanent Resident Card Permanent Resident are legal residents of the U.S. and, for our purposes, treated the same as a U.S. Citizen In the 1940’s the Alien Registration Card was first introduced and was green. Hence, the term “green card.”
GLACIER Tax Summary Report All information entered into the GLACIER system is summarized on this report. Key Information includes: 1. Residency Status for Tax Purposes for taxable Fellowship payment 2. Required Forms & Documents
GLACIER Tax Summary Report All information entered into the GLACIER system is summarized on this report. Key information includes: 1. Residency Status for Tax Purposes for tax exempt Fellowship payment 2. Tax Treaty Eligibility 3. Required Forms & Documents
GLACIER Generated Forms continued Glacier generates IRS form W-8BEN if fellowship recipient is eligible for tax treaty exemption. This form is only generated for recipeients who qualify for tax treaty exemption.
GLACIER Tax Summary Report All information entered into the GLACIER system is summarized on this report. Key information includes: 1. Residency Status for Tax Purposes for services performed in the U.S. 2. Tax Treaty Eligibility 3. Required Forms & Documents This forms has Wages/Salary and fellowship payment
GLACIER Generated Forms continued Glacier generates IRS form W-8BEN if fellowship recipient is eligible for tax treaty exemption. This form is only generated for recipeients who qualify for tax treaty exemption.
GLACIER Generated Forms continued IRS Form 8233 is to claim tax treaty exemption. Applies to vendors who are being paid for services.
GLACIER Generated Forms continued Honoraria Statement
Refer to Financial Affairs Website Resource Directory>Foreign National Visitor Guide for more information