CrossPointe Mien Baptist Church. 233. Ziouv Yesu Za’gengh Hlo Haic 1. Ziouv Yesu za'gengh hlo jiex, Ninh hingh jiex daic nyei quonh nernh. Longc buv-nziaamv.


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Presentation transcript:

CrossPointe Mien Baptist Church

233. Ziouv Yesu Za’gengh Hlo Haic 1. Ziouv Yesu za'gengh hlo jiex, Ninh hingh jiex daic nyei quonh nernh. Longc buv-nziaamv nzaaux yie nyei zuiz, Ziouv Yesu cingx daaih hingh jiex.

233. Ziouv Yesu Za’gengh Hlo Haic Nz. Aa^le^lu^yaa, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, aa^le^lu^yaa, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, Aa^le^lu^yaa, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, weic hnangv naaiv, yie cingx daaih duqv hingh jiex.

233. Ziouv Yesu Za’gengh Hlo Haic 2. Ziouv Yesu za'gengh hnamv yie, maiv gunv yie benx domh zuiz-mienh, Ninh heuc yie yiem mienv cuotv daaih. Ziouv Yesu yietc liuz hnamv yie.

233. Ziouv Yesu Za’gengh Hlo Haic Nz. Aa^le^lu^yaa, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, aa^le^lu^yaa, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, Aa^le^lu^yaa, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, weic hnangv naaiv, yie cingx daaih duqv hingh jiex.

233. Ziouv Yesu Za’gengh Hlo Haic 3. Yie nyei maengc za'gengh baengh orn, biaux ndutv kouv naanc duqv bungx nqoi. Ziouv Yesu zien-zien hnamv yie, weic naaiv yie cingx daaih duqv hingh.

233. Ziouv Yesu Za’gengh Hlo Haic Nz. Aa^le^lu^yaa, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, aa^le^lu^yaa, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, Aa^le^lu^yaa, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, weic hnangv naaiv, yie cingx daaih duqv hingh jiex.

313. Hnangv Njaeh 1. Yie nyei hnyouv gengh oix nitv fatv Ziouv, hnangv njaeh jaang nqaatv qaqv lorz wuom hopv. Yie gauh hnamv jiex se kungx Ziouv ganh hnangv. Yie zungv oix buoqc zangc Meih Ziouv.

313. Hnangv Njaeh NZ. Ziouv ganh zoux yie nyei qaqv goux yie. Bun yie kungx nyunc ei Meih nyei za'eix. Yie gauh hnamv jiex se kungx Meih ganh hnangv. Yie zungv oix buoqc zangc Meih Ziouv.

313. Hnangv Njaeh 2. Ziouv ganh zoux yie nyei doic, yaac zoux gorx- youz maiv gunv Meih zoux hungh Diex. Kungx Meih ganh hnangv bun yie maaih njienh youh, se Meih hnangv yie funx jaaix jiex.

313. Hnangv Njaeh NZ. Ziouv ganh zoux yie nyei qaqv goux yie. Bun yie kungx nyunc ei Meih nyei za'eix. Yie gauh hnamv jiex se kungx Meih ganh hnangv. Yie zungv oix buoqc zangc Meih Ziouv.

313. Hnangv Njaeh 3. Yie hnamv Meih gauh camv hnamv jiem nyaanh, kungx Ziouv hnangv bun yie haih buangv hnyouv. Yie gauh oix jiex meih Ziouv, yaac hnamv meih gauh camv jiex nyungc-nyungc ga’naaiv.

313. Hnangv Njaeh NZ. Ziouv ganh zoux yie nyei qaqv goux yie. Bun yie kungx nyunc ei Meih nyei za'eix. Yie gauh hnamv jiex se kungx Meih ganh hnangv. Yie zungv oix buoqc zangc Meih Ziouv.

297. Horpc fai Ziouv ganh ndaam ziepc nzaangc jaax 1. Horpc fai Ziouv ganh ndaam ziepc nzaangc jaax, baamh mienh maiv zuqc ndaam fai? Maiv zeiz dauh dauh zungv horpc zuqc ndaam, maaih diuh yaac funx yie nyei.

297. Horpc fai Ziouv ganh ndaam ziepc nzaangc jaax 2.Yie ndaam cing-nzengc nyei ziepc nzaangc jaax taux daic yie duqv bungx nqoi. Liuz nzuonx biauv ziouc duqv ndongx hungh muoc, dongh Ziouv mbenc ziangx bun yie.

297. Horpc fai Ziouv ganh ndaam ziepc nzaangc jaax 3. Jaaix nyei ziepc nzaangc jaax njang-laangc ningv, dongh Ziouv aengx daaih nyei hnoi. Ziouv nyei fin- mienh yiem lungh njiec daaih, dorh yie nyei lingh wuonh mingh.

Daux Gaux Jouh Tin-HunghInvocation Tin-HunghInvocation

229. Yie Ganh Tov Fongc Horc 1. Yie tov fongc horc, yie hnyouv caux yie nyei sin, bun Ziouv Yesu, Ninh daic tengx yie ndutv zuiz. Ninh korh lienh yie. Ninh bun njien-youh baengh orn, dorh yie nyei maengc. Ninh yaac dorh jauv yie mingh.

229. Yie Ganh Tov Fongc Horc Nz. Yie tov fongc horc nyungc- nyungc longx nyei bun Ziouv Yesu bun ziangh hoc Ninh, congh mengh caux yie nyei maengc. Yie tov fongc horc sin, hnyouv, lingh wuonh bun nduqc dauh Ziouv A’hneiv fongc horc muangx Ziouv nyei waac.

229. Yie Ganh Tov Fongc Horc 2. Tov koi nqoi hnyouv gaengh kaux Tin-Hungh nyei en, fungx ganh nyei maengc. Tov ceix baengh orn bun mbuo. Maiv gunv yiem haaix Tin-Hungh yaac ceix fuqv bun, zuangx lungh ndiev mienh za’gengh ceng Ziouv nyei mengh.

229. Yie Ganh Tov Fongc Horc Nz. Yie tov fongc horc nyungc- nyungc longx nyei bun Ziouv Yesu bun ziangh hoc Ninh, congh mengh caux yie nyei maengc. Yie tov fongc horc sin, hnyouv, lingh wuonh bun nduqc dauh Ziouv A’hneiv fongc horc muangx Ziouv nyei waac.

Daux Gaux Fongc Horqc Offertory Juangc Jienv Daux Gaux Corporate Prayer Daux Gaux Fongc Horqc Offertory Juangc Jienv Daux Gaux Corporate Prayer

Zunh Doz/Sermon “The Lord is Our Victory” Exodus 17:8-16 Zunh Doz/Sermon “The Lord is Our Victory” Exodus 17:8-16 Yauzsing Zeuz

The Lord is Our Victory Introduction: God’s people will always battle the flesh until Christ returns. New believers are often amazed that the Christian life is one of battles as well as blessings. Up to this point, Israel had not had to fight, for the Lord fought for them. Israel was delivered from the world (Egypt) at one point in time when they crossed the Red Sea. But now, the Lord will fight through them to overcome their enemies - the Amalekites - who were descendants of Esau [and illustrate opposition of the flesh (Gen. 25:29-34; 36:12,16)].

The Lord is Our Victory A. The Lord Fights the Battle For His People 1. “The LORD will fight for you…” (Ex. 14:14; Deut. 1:30,42; 3:22 2. David said, “the battle is the LORD'S” when the giant defied God. He accepted Goliath’s challenge (1 Sam. 17:45;47) in the name of the Lord. 3. King Hezekiah of Judah told his people that “with us is the LORD our God to help us, and to fight our battles” (2 Chron. 32:8) 4. When Sennacherib invaded Judah, King Hezekaih told the people, “With him is only an arm of flesh, but with us is the LORD our God to help us and to fight our battles.” (2 Chron. 32:8)

The Lord is Our Victory B. The Lord Fights the Battle Through His People 1. In 2 Chronicles 20 Jehoshaphat prayed for help…the LORD’s spirit came upon Jahaziel and he said, You need not fight in this battle…Do not fear… for the LORD is with you.” 2. 1 Sam 15:18 The LORD sent Saul and said, ‘Go and utterly destroy the sinners, the Amalekites, and fight against them until they are exterminated.” 3. Judges 11:32 So Jephthah passed over unto the children of Ammon to fight against them; and “the LORD delivered them into his hands”. 4. Rom 6 “Put to death the deeds of the body - It is important that God’s people cooperate with God in gaining victory over worldly desires. 4. Rom 6 “Put to death the deeds of the body - It is important that God’s people cooperate with God in gaining victory over worldly desires. 5. Ex. 17:11-13 Neither Moses on the mount or Joshua in the battlefield, alone, would have won the battle …

The Lord is Our Victory C. The Load of Battles We Fight Until Christ Returns 1. Eph. 6:2 - “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” 2. Gal. 5:17 - “For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another.” 3. The Amalekites attacked Israel from the rear (Deut. 25:17-18). We must always “watch and pray” (Matt. 26:41) “Be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Pet. 5:8) 4. 1 John 2:16 - “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.” C. The Load of Battles We Fight Until Christ Returns 1. Eph. 6:2 - “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” 2. Gal. 5:17 - “For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another.” 3. The Amalekites attacked Israel from the rear (Deut. 25:17-18). We must always “watch and pray” (Matt. 26:41) “Be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Pet. 5:8) 4. 1 John 2:16 - “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.”

The Lord is Our Victory D. The Lord Jesus Christ is our Victory 1. We have our victories, not through our own efforts, but through Christ alone ( 1 John 5:4-4 “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?” ) 2. Eph. 6:11 tells us to “Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil” 3. 1 John 2:13-14 says “we can have victory through Christ and abiding in His word…” 4. Gal. 5:16 reminds us to “walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.”

Application of Principle to Practice: 1. There are many battles we all face daily. We struggle against spiritual forces of darkness, our fleshly desires, the devil (our enemy, who “prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking to devour us”). 2. We have our victory, not through our own efforts, but through Christ alone. He was tempted yet without sin (Heb. 4:15). We have overcome because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4) 3. We know the LORD fights for us. We are to submit to his lordship, to put on the armor of God, to be ready, and to walk in the Spirit. 4. He who believes in the Son overcomes the world (1 John 5:5). Jesus is our victory. Believing in Him gives us victory over death.

125. Ziouv Yesu Hingh Jiex 1. Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex mienv nyei hungh. (2)

125. Ziouv Yesu Hingh Jiex Nz. Aa^le^lu^yaa, Aa^le^lu^yaa Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex mienv nyei hungh (2)

125. Ziouv Yesu Hingh Jiex 2. Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex mienh nyei zuiz.(2)

125. Ziouv Yesu Hingh Jiex Nz. Aa^le^lu^yaa, Aa^le^lu^yaa Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex mienh nyei zuiz (2)

125. Ziouv Yesu Hingh Jiex 3. Buoqc zangc Ziouv Yesu, Buoqc zangc Ziouv Yesu, Buoqc zangc Ziouv Yesu nyei kuv mengh. (2)

125. Ziouv Yesu Hingh Jiex Nz. Aa^le^lu^yaa, Aa^le^lu^yaa buoqc zangc Ziouv Yesu nyei kuv mengh (2)

125. Ziouv Yesu Hingh Jiex 4. Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex orqv nyei hnyouv (2)

125. Ziouv Yesu Hingh Jiex Nz. Aa^le^lu^yaa, Aa^le^lu^yaa Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex orqv nyei hnyouv (2)