ORACLES Priests that were believed to receive messages from the gods.Priests that were believed to receive messages from the gods.
SKILLED ARTISANS The Indus River Valley people were considered this.The Indus River Valley people were considered this.
PAKISTAN The Indus River is found in this present day country.The Indus River is found in this present day country.
ANCESTORS From whom people are descended from or come from.From whom people are descended from or come from.
CHARACTERS The Chinese language is written in this.The Chinese language is written in this.
FERTILE CRESCENT Mesopotamia is located here.Mesopotamia is located here.
AGORA The central market place in a Greek city.The central market place in a Greek city.
POLIS Independent city-state in ancient Greece.Independent city-state in ancient Greece.
ZEUS The Greek Olympics were a festival to this god.The Greek Olympics were a festival to this god.
ATHENS DEMOCRACY Citizens had the right to speak, participate in assembly, and serve on small councils.Citizens had the right to speak, participate in assembly, and serve on small councils.
Peloponnesian War This started because Greek cities were afraid Athens would take over all of Greece.This started because Greek cities were afraid Athens would take over all of Greece.
PERICLES Established the trial by jury.Established the trial by jury.
SOCRATES Philosopher that taught his students to think for themselves.Philosopher that taught his students to think for themselves.
THE SEA The main natural resource for the ancient Greeks.The main natural resource for the ancient Greeks.
SPARTA A war-like Greek city-state.A war-like Greek city-state.
MOUNTAINS The land of Greece was covered with this.The land of Greece was covered with this.
ALEXANDRIA Famous city located on the Nile Delta in Egypt.Famous city located on the Nile Delta in Egypt.
MACEDONIA Where Alexander the Great was originally from.Where Alexander the Great was originally from.
DICTATOR Someone who has absolute power.Someone who has absolute power.
JULIUS CAESAR The Ides of March was when this person was killed.The Ides of March was when this person was killed.
PATRICIANS The rich and powerful citizens of ancient Rome.The rich and powerful citizens of ancient Rome.
REPUBLIC Citizens have the right to choose their leaders.Citizens have the right to choose their leaders.
CARTHAGE The Romans fought this city to start the Punic Wars.The Romans fought this city to start the Punic Wars.
CONSTANTINE He ended the persecution of Christians.He ended the persecution of Christians.
TWELVE TABLES This code of law protected Roman citizens’ rights.This code of law protected Roman citizens’ rights.