WP 1.04, Michael Ebert2MAC PETRA-III Review Meeting, DESY,29th November 2006 Sandblasted Center Conductor of a Cavity Input Coupler R a = µm R z = 9.46 µm R a = µm R z = 11.9 µm R a = µm R z = 11.6 µm R a = µm R z = 3.82 µm R a = µm R z = 3.00 µm R a = µm R z = 2.05 µm Before Sandblasting After Sandblasting R a : Mittenrauwert, average surface roughness R z : Rautiefe, rouhgness depth
WP 1.04, Michael Ebert3MAC PETRA-III Review Meeting, DESY,29th November 2006 Coupler Conditioning RF-Power [kW], Klystron-HV [kV] Klystron Drive Power [W], Cavity-Vacuum [mbar] Traditional Conditioning MethodNew Conditioning Method Two Hours Samples of
WP 1.04, Michael Ebert4MAC PETRA-III Review Meeting, DESY,29th November 2006 Coupler Conditioning Arc-Detector vs Vacuum-Interock FM Frequency Deviation: 100 kHz Modulation Frequency: 400 Hz 163 ms 3*10 -8 mbar 1*10 -6 mbar Vacuum Pressure Ârc-Detector Signal Coupler Forward Power
WP 1.04, Michael Ebert5MAC PETRA-III Review Meeting, DESY,29th November 2006 RF Control Loop & LLRF In order to suppress amplitude and phase modulation noise at the klystron rf output a fast I/Q rf-loop is foreseen. The expected noise suppression is For compensating beam loading and temperature influence on phase and amplitude of the cavity voltage a second control loop is foreseen. The hardware of both loops is identical in order to keep the number of different components minimal. Status: Function of KWPC was proven using a single klystron transmitter and a standard desktop PC. Prototypes of the essential rf-loop components have been built and tested. Function of the fast I/Q rf-loop was proven at a single klystron transmitter. Outlook: KWPC algorithm must be extended for a two-klystron transmitter and adapted to the ELWIS-Hardware Series rf-loop components must be built. Function of the rf- loops must be proved together with the KWPC. Test is scheduled for February 2007 In order to run the klystron over the full output power range close to saturation and at highest efficiency a Klystron Working Point Controller (KWPC) was developed. The KWPC is a PXI-PC with ADC inputs for measuring the required klystron output power Pin, the present klystron output power Pout and the present drive power Pdrv. DAC outputs are available for setting the correct drive, beam current and cathode voltage via the voltage controlled attenuator, anode power supply and cathode voltage supply. The optimum values of klystron voltage, current and drive for any klystron output power are stored in a look-up table of the KWPC. The table values are optimized during klystron operation by an additional algorithm which changes successive and marginal klystron voltage, current and drive for best efficiency.
WP 1.04, Michael Ebert6MAC PETRA-III Review Meeting, DESY,29th November 2006 Waveguide Shutters
WP 1.04, Michael Ebert7MAC PETRA-III Review Meeting, DESY,29th November 2006 Typical Structure of our RF- Systems 14 Electronic Racks HV Cabinet 12 Cavities Klystron Circulator Load 60 terminal strips signal converters, comparators, control electronics, displays, tell-tales,… 250 relays & power contactors jumble of cables & plugs 2000 wires ~80 Crates >200 Plugs
WP 1.04, Michael Ebert8MAC PETRA-III Review Meeting, DESY,29th November 2006 Wiring Conventional vs. ELWIS actor signal cond. DAC controller sensor signal cond. ADC controller router device server actor sensor electronic board electronic board device server boardcrateterminal strips terminal strip Rack Conventional ELWIS
WP 1.04, Michael Ebert9MAC PETRA-III Review Meeting, DESY,29th November 2006 Available Inputs/Outputs Provided in/out channels of one ELWIS-Module 12digital inputs (24V, optical coupled) 4digital outputs (60V, 3A optical coupled) 8digital outputs (optionally 60V, 3A optical coupled or power contactors) 2arc detector inputs (optionally rf-rfl. detector) 4analog outputs (-10V…+10V, dc…30Hz galvanic isolated) 10temperature sensor inputs (PT-100) 6analog inputs (-10V…+10V, dc…30Hz galvanic isolated) 8analog inputs (optionally 500MHz, 30dBm or -1V…+1V, dc…3MHz)
WP 1.04, Michael Ebert10MAC PETRA-III Review Meeting, DESY,29th November 2006 originally ELWOMIS What does ELWIS mean? Acronym: Eier legende Woll-Milch-Sau egg-laying wool-milk-sow ELW om IS All-in-one device suitable for every purpose