Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP Once Upon a Time on a Dark Night Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP
Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP STORYTELLING AS A CREATIVE THINKING TEACHING TOOL Whether as parents, teachers, professional consultants or simply friends, when we tell stories we provoke and entice the creativity of our listeners: sons and daughters, students, clients, friends. A simple opening line can spark the imaginations and create magical kingdoms in their minds. Storytelling has been an art and growing set of tools for communicating since the age of the cave beings. Today we can use it in our homes, classrooms, offices, training rooms or simply at a restaurant to turn on the creativity of children and adults of all ages. This workshop has been designed to provide you fun experiences and a series of tools you can use to provoke and increase the creativity and creative thinking skills of your children, students, clients and friends. Content * experience storytelling examples * learn 6 to 12 storytelling methods that can be used in any setting * experiment telling stories * create their own stories for any subject * learn how storytelling can be used for any subject * have lots of fun!!!
Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP One day two friends, Story and Truth were walking through their village. Story noticed that his friend Truth was unhappy or perhaps frustrated. Reaching out to his friend Story asked: “What is wrong Truth, you seem down today my friend?”
Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP Silvia Ashton-Warner J. P. Guilford E. Paul Torrance Howard Gardner Tell Me Show Me Involve Me Reach Me I Will Forget I May Remember I Will Begin to Learn We Will Learn Together Confucius Socrates John Dewey Maria Montesorri
Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP Parts of a Story Plot Characters Setting Action Controversy Challenge Desired Outcome
Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP Plot a plot in a story is "the arrangement of the incidents" that each follow plausibly from the other. The plot is like the pencil outline or drawing that guides the painter's brush. Aristotle a. b. c. d. e. … z.
Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP Adventure Historic Mystery Humorous Romance …..????? Type of Story
Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP Location Historical Magical Fantasy Mythical Real Personal
Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP Characters Real Fictional Historic Famous Infamous Caricature Comic Serious Heroic
Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP Desired Outcome Attention Connection Understanding Retention
Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP Desired Outcome Intention
Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP Let’s begin creating stories Plot Characters Setting/Location Action Controversy Challenge Desired Outcome
Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP Story One
Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP Story Two
Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP Plot Characters Location Desired Outcome Multiple Stories
Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP ORANGE LIMPOPO
Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP
Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP Existing Stories
Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP Short Stories Fantasies Myths Classical Real-Life Tall Tales Trickster Fairy Tales Improv Games One Word A-Z Lines on the Floor
Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP Cartoons
Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP Science Math Geometry Trigonometry Biology Grammar History Language Creative Writing
Storytelling as a Creative Thinking Tool in the Classroom Cre8ng People, Places & Possibilities Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP May all your endings be happy & rewarding!