Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Washington State Archives: Records Management County Elections Administrators Presented by: June 2009 Julie Woods Local Government Records Retention Specialist Scott Sackett Electronic Records Management Consultant
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Washington State Archives 1963 Preserves and provides public access to legal and historically valuable records from government agencies. Washington State Archives
Documenting Democracy Washington State Archives Total Cubic Feet of Documents Pages at Archives Electronic Records at Digital Archives Microfilm Images in Vaults Pages at Records Center Records In Our Custody 650, ,230,000 80,667, ,916, ,672,500 March Billion!
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Washington State Archives: We’re here to help! Digital Archives Regional Branch Archives Imaging Services Records Management
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Records Management Office Olympia Russell Wood State Records Manager (360) Local Records Retention Schedules Records Management Advice Classes / Training Local Records Grant Program
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Preserve and protect public records Compliance Efficiency History Public disclosure requests Audits Good Records Management
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Poor Records Management
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy “…the term "public records" shall include any paper, correspondence, completed form, bound record book, photograph, film, sound recording, map drawing, machine- readable material…or other document, regardless of physical form or characteristics…that have been made by or received by any agency of the state of Washington in connection with the transaction of public business...” Definition and Classification of Public Records RCW
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy What needs to be kept? RCW No public records shall be destroyed until approved for destruction by the Local Records Committee. For public disclosure, refer to RCW Legal holds
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Local Records Committee Comprised of three members: 1.State Archivist 2.Attorney General representative 3.State Auditor representative Grants records disposition authority to local government agencies in the form of Records Retention Schedules which describe: Type of records approved for destruction. Minimum retention period for which they need to be retained. Which records have archival and/or essential value.
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy For the purposes of retention and destruction, two criteria: 1.Made or received in connection with the transaction of public business (RCW 40.14). 2.Regardless of format. What needs to be kept?
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Electronic Records 1.All existing retention requirements (have always and continue to) apply to electronic records. 2.Electronic records need to be retained in electronic format. Metadata associated with “born digital” records establishes and preserves the authenticity of the record which is the evidence of the transaction it documents. Printing electronic records (e.g. s) preserves the informational content but not the authenticity of the record. WAC
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE)
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy CORE 1. Agency Management 2.Asset Management 3. Financial Management 4. Human Resource Management 5. Information Management Records common to all local government agencies. Five function categories:
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Local Government General Records Retention Schedule LGGRRS 29 activities including: Electric Utilities Land Use Planning, Permits and Appeals Public Works Engineering
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Sector Schedules 1. County Assessors 2.County Auditors 3. County Clerks and Clerks of the Superior Court 4. County Treasurers 5.District and Municipal Courts 6.Health Departments and Districts 7.Law Enforcement 8.Public Hospital Districts 9.School Districts and Educational Service Districts
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Index to Archival/Permanent Records
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Archival Records WAC Archival records are records that have permanent and/or historical value and are scheduled as archival. Constitution Voter Registration Birth Records
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Index to Essential Records
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Essential Records Chapter RCW “In order to provide for the continuity and preservation of civil government…the state shall designate those public documents which are essential records…and needed in an emergency and for the reestablishment of normal operations after any such emergency.” Oaths of Office Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Plans Operating Manuals
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Index to Disposition Authority Numbers (DANs)
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Index to Subjects
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Glossary
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Database
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Database
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy CORE
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy County Auditors
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy County Auditors
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy NEW Local Government Listserv
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Training, Classes, Workshops Electronic Records Management – DOP Records and Information Management – DOP Electronic Imaging Systems (EIS) Public Disclosure Local Records Grant Program Essential Records/Emergency Preparedness Presentations and speeches to local, state and national organizations on all facets of records management
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Training, Classes, Workshops
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Local Government Listserv
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Records Management Office Please questions about your public records to:
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Washington State Archives: We’re here to help! Digital Archives Regional Branch Archives Imaging Services Records Management
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Mission: Preserve archival records for public use, and serve as the focal points for services to local government. Regional Branch Archives
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Expedite access to State Archives programs and services. Appraise and transfer archival records for preservation and protection. Provide public research access to archival records. Promote efficient records management. Promote essential records protection. Provide public records management training and support. Regional Branch Archives
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Central Branch(509) Brigid Clift Eastern Branch(509) Ext 104 Jeff Creighton Northwest Branch(360) Scott Roley Puget Sound Branch(425) Mike Saunders Olympia/SW Branch(360) Erin Whitesel-Jones Branch Archives Contacts
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Local Records Grant Program Imaging and preservation of archival and essential records having fiscal, legal or historical value; or which are essential to business operations.
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Local Records Grant Program Guidelines, funding priorities, and application materials available: July, For automatic notification, sign up on the Listserv! Grant Cycle
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Washington State Archives: We’re here to help! Digital Archives Regional Branch Archives Imaging Services Records Management
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Digital Archives, Cheney First in the nation!
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Washington State Archives: We’re here to help! Digital Archives Regional Branch Archives Imaging Services Records Management
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Imaging Services Security Microfilm Inspection & Storage Source Document Microfilming Output of Digital Records Information to Microfilm Microfilm Scanning Direct Microfilm Duplication Boyd Barber Imaging Services Manager (360) Tumwater
Washington State Archives Documenting Democracy Washington State Archives: Partners in preservation and access Thank you, Elections Administrators!