Halite by-sa: włodi
cubic crystal structure GNU by-nd: maverickapollo by-nc-sa: nonky Halite is salt. It comes from salt water or from rock salt. Salt has long been valuable to human cultures as a flavoring and trade item.
by-nc: FangFangMM Salt flats occur when salty water has completely evaporated, such as in Death Valley, western Texas, and other arid areas. As salt water evaporates, salt (halite) is left behind. When that salt is covered by layers of sediment and buried, it becomes rock salt. by: Danton pix
Rock salt is mined. by-nc-sa: Just_Tom by-nc: Stephen Downes
Evaporation of salt water from the sea, salt lake, or salt marsh leaves halite (salt) crystals that can be harvested. by-nc-nd: GafferBee by-sa: Dawn Endico by-nc-sa: Taylor Dundee
Salt (halite) is used to preserve meat and seafood. by-nc-sa: Heidi & Matt by-nc-nd: 100five by-nc-sa: daedalus169
The largest use of salt (halite) is in the chemical industry to produce chlorine and sodium hydroxide (lye). Chlorine gas is harmful to breathe, and was used as a chemical weapon. by-nc-sa: east_lothian_museums Chlorine is in chlorine bleach. by-nc-sa: DennisSylvesterHurd
by-nc-nd: khairilfz by-nc-sa: Kim Smith Chlorine is in drinking water and public pools to kill bacteria and viruses. by-nc-sa: Rachel-B
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), also known as lye, is made from halite as is used in industry to make paper and cardboard from wood, in biodiesel processing and petroleum refining, and generally in chemistry. by-nc: Simon Pearson by-nc-nd: telsky by-nc: accrama by-nc: rrelam by-nc-sa: Chuckumentary
by-nc-nd: katiew by-nc-nd: ChicagoEye … lye is used in the home in old-fashioned soap, old formulas of hair relaxers, in drain cleaners, and in preparing many foods. by-nc-nd: A_minorby-nc-sa: Krista76 by-nc: ciordia9
Halite is used in water softening systems. by-nc-sa: Alan Penner Hard water can be improved by “water softening” treatment. by-nc: Pulpoux !!! Basically, hard water becomes soft water by exchanging the hard water ions (Ca, Mg) for sodium ions from the salt (halite).
Animals and people love halite (salt). by-nc-nd: nicpic by: adactio by-sa: avixyz by-nc-sa: raphaelmazor
Salt is used for medicinal purposes in intravenous solutions, contact lens solution, and as bath salts. by-nc-nd: meew by-nc-sa: Vaprotan by-nc-sa: Felix42 contra la censura by-nc-nd: ashleysb
by-nc-sa: vphill by-nc-nd: SamuraiCatJB GNU Halite is associated with gypsum (another evaporite), sulfur, and petroleum deposits, especially in the Gulf of Mexico. Salt, being less dense than most rock, rises as ‘salt domes’ that trap hydrogen sulfide gas and petroleum.
We use halite (salt) to melt ice off winter roads. It can damage cars, pavement, land, and plants. by-nc-sa: Zicon by-nc-sa: SchmutzipMSP by: Kate Rosok
Halite by-sa: włodi
media rights Many of the photos in this presentation were obtained through Flickr and Wikipedia.FlickrWikipedia Funded by FIPSE and by the University of Minnesota. Compiled for Dr. Kent Kirkby, Department of Geology and Geophysics, by Kate Rosok, Each displayed image retains its original media rights. For educational purposes only; not to be used commercially.FIPSEUniversity of MinnesotaDr. Kent Kirkby Department of Geology and Geophysics public domain (none) © Copyright. All rights reserved by-nc-sa by by-nd by-sa by-nc-nd Creative Commons Licenses GNUGNU GNU Free Documentation LicenseGNU Free Documentation License Our notation description