Notice the structure of the simple past with regular and irregular verbs: Bolívar participated in the fight for the independence. Regular verbs: lived, married, obtained, received, played, performed, tried, etc. Bolivar's family had a very high social position in Caracas. Irregular verbs: BE (was/were), GET (got), FIGHT (fought), GO (went), WRITE (wrote), SPEAK (spoke), TELL (told), etc. CHECK the list of verbs that you have available on your portfolio or notebook. About the language: Observe, read and analyze about these language and text structures:
-Wh clauses: they are relative clauses which uses –wh words. 1.He was a man who fought for freedom. (who is used for people he) 2. He founded the republic of Gran Colombia which was formed by the five countries. (which is used for objects and concepts) the Gran Colombia. 3. He lived in one of these estates where he was a happy child until the death of his parents. (where is used for places - the estates). 4. He received private lessons from the renowned professors when he was a child. (when is used for time he was a child, at school time) About the language:
Notice the parts of the text: Introductory: introduce the person by giving the person's name, the place and time where was born and the occupation. Paragraph 1 Body: mention some important and necessary facts in this person's life. Paragraphs 2 and 3 Final (or Conclusion): explain why you chose this character. Paragraph 4 About the text structure: