Everyday learning Sofoklis Sotiriou Pavlos Koulouris Ellinogermaniki Agogi
Who we are Ellinogermaniki Agogi (EA): a school in Athens, Greece, covering all levels of school education, from pre-school to upper secondary. EA has a declared strong devotion to educational innovation and the imaginative use of new technologies in its normal educational activities. The school is almost unique in operating a dedicated R&D department, which experiments with new ideas and opportunities designed for, and tried in the school, with an eye to contributing to a vision for the classroom of tomorrow.
Why we are here Inquiry learning is closely related to the approaches to learning we apply in our R&D projects. We use new technologies to encourage: exploration, exploration, data gathering from the surrounding environment, data gathering from the surrounding environment, seeking information by questioning, seeking information by questioning, student involvement that leads to understanding, etc. student involvement that leads to understanding, etc. Our projects are of a predominantly applied and demonstrative nature, being mainly oriented to the introduction of innovative ideas and practices in the school. We are always interested in academic work in related fields to enhance our understanding of what we do and its value for learning.
Our approach: ‘everyday learning’ Learning in diverse contexts: in and outside the classroom Learning in diverse ways: through experience, involvement, talking with peers and experts, solving practical problems, etc. Any experience can be a learning opportunity. Knowledge is active and contextual; knowledge happens (rather than being stored and retrieved).
Contextual learning supported by mobile learning applications: why? Original contexts provide motivation to the students Mobile devices with internet access can be used to bring original contexts closer to the student, thus providing highly motivating learning situations. Mobile learning is even more flexible than computer-based e-learning, really providing access to learning materials and situations from anywhere, anytime.
Educational theories and principles Educational theories and principles that support and enhance the introduction of mobile technologies in education: Contextual learning Constructivism Collaborative learning Experiential learning
An example of everyday mobile learning: Visits to museums and archeological sites Aiming at promoting students’ awareness of the positive value of culture and thus at making young people aware of their history, values and heritage.
Museums and archeological sites provide the best context for educational uses of historical information and knowledge.
ICT has so far provided a promising perspective for using museums and archeological sites more for education: ICT has so far provided a promising perspective for using museums and archeological sites more for education: Musems and site guide software Websites Virtual reality applications.
However, these technologies cannot substitute the experience of actually visiting a museum or an archeological site.
Learning in-the-place Learners are motivate and therefore absorb information. Learners are motivate and therefore absorb information. However, in the museum or the archeological site students do not have access to relevant additional educational materials, which will help to transform information from the surrounding environment to knowledge. However, in the museum or the archeological site students do not have access to relevant additional educational materials, which will help to transform information from the surrounding environment to knowledge.
The aim is to design, develop and use technological systems that will turn a field visit to a museum or archeological site to an authentic and rich learning experience. The aim is to design, develop and use technological systems that will turn a field visit to a museum or archeological site to an authentic and rich learning experience. State-of-the-art mobile technologies may provide help to this end. State-of-the-art mobile technologies may provide help to this end.
Educational objectives Engage students in a series of participatory activities that allow them to experience a different way of visiting archaeological sites through the use of advanced mobile applications. Integrate visit activities into the school curriculum activities through an interdisciplinary approach. Place historical events in time and space. Develop specific criteria of historical sources elaboration. Accept and encourage student’s initiative. Encourage students to collaborate with the teacher and their classmates. Encourage students to make research based on open questions.
Gazi High School of Heraklion, February 2004 Educational Activities: “The new town on the old one. Educational visit at the Crete Historical Museum of and the Venetian walls in Heraklion.”
Ellinogermaniki Agogi, May 2004 Educational Activities: “Visit of the Apollo Epicurius temple, one of the monuments included in the World Cultural Heritage List of UNESCO.”
The framework of the educational activities Pre-visit activities The aim of the pre-visit activities was to prepare the students so that they participate in the most effective way in the visit activities. During this phase the students: studied on the Venetian walls and the temple of Apollo Epicurius visited relevant sites on the web got familiarized with the use of the MoTFAL web platform performed exercises that their teacher uploaded on the platform
The framework of the educational activities Visit activities Students at the age of 15 years participated in the activities. In Crete, within the framework of the visit half of the class visited the museum, whereas the other half performed the visit at the Venetian walls.
The framework of the educational activities Post visit activities Post visit activities The main aim of the post visit activities is the consolidation of the learning results. Using the MoTFAL platform the students have the chance to: The main aim of the post visit activities is the consolidation of the learning results. Using the MoTFAL platform the students have the chance to: See pictures of their visit See pictures of their visit Study the educational material Study the educational material Perform exercises that their teacher has already uploaded on the platform. Perform exercises that their teacher has already uploaded on the platform.
The framework of the educational activities Pedagogical Aspects Pedagogical Aspects Students are engaged in educational activities that will mainly aim at: Students are engaged in educational activities that will mainly aim at: Involving students in activities that promote experiential learning and problem solving Involving students in activities that promote experiential learning and problem solving Enhancing collaboration and cooperation among students Enhancing collaboration and cooperation among students Helping students to learn in context Helping students to learn in context Helping students to go beyond the information provided by the teacher or the book and ask the “why” and the “how” of this information. Helping students to go beyond the information provided by the teacher or the book and ask the “why” and the “how” of this information.
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In the museum: Presenting the activity to students
Students are split into two groups… one visiting the site… and one virtually visiting…
The students who visited the temple of Apollo Epicurius used their mobile devices as well as their laptops in order to access relevant educational material … but also to communicate with their classmates in the school.
… but also to communicate with their classmates in the school, who were also using the MoTFAL platform through their PCs or PDA devices.
Other examples: High school students are visiting a historical monument, like Parthenon. In the framework of their visit they are using PDA devices with Internet connection. The PDA devices give students the possibility to have access in further information about the monument and in related sites. They can also capture moments from their visit just by using the camera of the device and also make their own comments. They can even communicate with students that they are visiting a museum and exchange their experiences, views and ideas.
In Ancient Olympia, too…
The use of mobile phones and PDA devices with Internet access ensured that the learning process has been participative, interactive, engaging, effective and sustainable over place and time. This philosophy is founded on the premise that people learn best when engrossed in the topic, participating in activities that motivate learning and enable them to synthesize their own understanding. The main goal has been active exploration, construction, and learning as opposed to textbook reading and lecture comprehension. The use of mobile phones and PDA devices with Internet access ensured that the learning process has been participative, interactive, engaging, effective and sustainable over place and time. This philosophy is founded on the premise that people learn best when engrossed in the topic, participating in activities that motivate learning and enable them to synthesize their own understanding. The main goal has been active exploration, construction, and learning as opposed to textbook reading and lecture comprehension.