Medical Scholars Research Program Overview 10/23/13
Applying for an Award All MD students are eligible to apply for MedScholars awards First year students – Autumn, Winter, Spring – ONLY 25% allowed Second year students – Autumn, Winter, Spring – may petition for up to 50% Clerkship years - there may be some time constraints Submit a several-page application describing the project Applications received quarterly Projects reviewed by faculty The endeavor is to fund all meritorious applications TIP FOR SUCCESS: meet with faculty mentors and relevant SC area director well in advance
MedScholars Fellowships Fund Scholarly Concentration projects Other research projects BOTH SC and other projects Projects in a variety of subject areas lab, field, clinic, social sciences, humanities Projects conducted locally and abroad resident, away, traveling
Funding % EffortTuition Charged MedScholars Pays (Total) Tuition Covered Stipend 100%$3,266$10,866$3,266$7,600 75%$16,333$8,150$0$8,150 50%$16,333$5,433$0$5,433 25%$16,333$2,716$0$2,716 Things to consider: You cannot receive a Stanford Grant and a 100% FTE MedScholars grant at the same time During first two years, student may only have up to 25% MedScholars along with full course load
A few Provisos and Addendums MedScholars funds research projects Not other things like community outreach, language learning, taking interesting classes, etc. MedScholars funds your time Not other things like staff or lab equipment You can get up to 5 quarters of full-time support Projects must be done with a Stanford faculty advisor Projects at other U.S. universities are seldom funded
How it Works…step one FIND your mentor/project Community Academic Profiles (CAP):
How it Works…step one…continued FIND your mentor/project Potential Projects/Mentors Booklet:
How it Works…step one …still continued FIND your mentor/project Network with your peers Talk to SC Directors Read your s Review MS website for updates:
How it Works…the next seven steps DRAFT your proposal ( 30+ days out of deadline ) SUBMIT your proposal AND any protocols ( by deadline ) SELECTION of projects ( one month after deadline ) WORK on project as proposed GET FUNDING! COMPLETE project ( w/in 6 mths after last quarter of funding )
Drafting Your Proposal Online proposals include: Cover sheet ( fill-in via MS Online ) Research experience ( upload ) Abstract ( upload ) Learning objectives ( upload ) Protocols approvals or applications Mentor’s letter of support ( uploaded by mentor ) co-mentors will need to forward letter of support to MS Program Coordinator TIP FOR SUCCESS: review the website/guidelines and ask any questions well before the deadline!
MS Online
The Routing Process
Tips & Tricks For Success! Start your draft early! Do not wait to submit for faculty review until the day of the deadline! Deadline is at 6:00pm, not midnight! YOU still need to submit for MS review after your mentor approves the proposal! Don’t forget protocols and co-mentor’s letters are due by the deadline! COMMUNICATE!
Intro to IRB cont. We have 8 IRB panels 5 Medical panels 1 Non-medical panel 2 expedited/exempt panels (no convened meetings) Submit protocols by the 1 st working day of the month 1 st come 1 st served Estimated review times Regular review: 4-6 weeks Expedited review 2-4 weeks
Intro to IRB Contd. Medical vs. Non-Medical Medical = all School of Medicine (SoM) & VA studies Non-Medical = all other schools Not sure? Human Subjects Determination Form IRB education line Note: Advice only; not “final” determination
IRB Pre-Review Process Submitted protocol is reviewed for completeness by intake staff Incomplete protocols will be returned with instructions Assigned to IRB for review and meeting date IRB review, issuance of comments, if any Vote for approval at convened meeting Expedited review – Approval by single reviewer (online) Exempt certification – By staff
How to add Med. Scholars to Funding Section in eProtocol IRB
The APLAC Protocol: What MedScholars Need to Know
Animal Care & Use Protocols Complete the ONLINE Animal Care and Use training course and quiz. For instructions on how to enroll, go to: Your name and description of qualifications and/or training plan, and your Medical Scholars proposal need to be added to the relevant currently approved protocol. Traveling scholars – Let our office know if you will be traveling to another institution – Submit an abbreviated copy of the host institution’s protocol – PHS assurance is preferred, but not necessary Any procedures not currently listed on an approved APLAC protocol will need to be added.
Animal Care & Use Protocols Submit the personnel and funding revision to the Stanford Administrative Panel on Laboratory Animal Care (APLAC). The APLAC will review the personnel and funding revision and may have questions or just approve on meeting date. Submission Deadline is the 1st working day of the month Once your name has been added and approved, you can view the protocol online. Make sure you review it carefully and any guidelines that are attached. (eProtocol can be accessed at All research and teaching activities involving live or dead vertebrate animal use must be reviewed and approved by the APLAC PRIOR to activity commencement. Under no circumstances may research/teaching activities commence until you have been notified of APLAC approval.
Animal Care & Use Protocols APLAC
Animal Care & Use Protocols Questions? APLAC Staff Maisha Minor Valerie Fratus