Client consultation / Skin types
Client’s first impression The initial impression may well determine if he or she will return for future services, or recommend the salon to others The initial impression may well determine if he or she will return for future services, or recommend the salon to others First contact with the client is often by way of the telephone First contact with the client is often by way of the telephone Pleasant voice and speak in a professional manner Knowledgeable of services Greets people as they enter the salon for information or by appointment
Record Keeping Page 663, fig Page 663, fig Record date & type of service being provided Record date & type of service being provided Include products used & purchased for home use Recommend services & products beneficial to client Recommend services & products beneficial to client Clarify the importance of a proven skin care regimen Clarify the importance of a proven skin care regimen
Record card contents Client’s name Client’s name Home address Home address Home telephone number Home telephone number Client’s occupation & date of birth Client’s occupation & date of birth Client’s medical history & medication Client’s medical history & medication Any contraindications Any contraindications Pacemaker, metal implants, pregnancy, diabetes, epilepsy, allergies, high blood pressure Information on previous skin care & treatments used Information on previous skin care & treatments used Information on skin care products Information on skin care products Notation of client referral Notation of client referral Observations on client’s skin type, skin condition & abnormalities of the skin Observations on client’s skin type, skin condition & abnormalities of the skin
Skin Type Description OILY SKIN Overabundance of sebum, may be blemished, treatments help to clear & normalize production of sebum NORMAL SKIN Usually good condition, adequate sebum & moisture usually free of blemishes,can benefit from maintenance to keep it healthy & attractive DRY SKIN Lacking oil; often dehydrated Treatments can stimulate sebaceous glands to produce natural oils needed to keep skin lubricated COMBINATION SKIN Either oily & normal or normal & dry, treatments normalize functioning of sebaceous glands & improve health & appearance
Skin Conditions Specific skin types can contribute to specific skin conditions, there are a number of conditions that can affect any type of skin Specific skin types can contribute to specific skin conditions, there are a number of conditions that can affect any type of skin Some of the more common conditions include: Some of the more common conditions include: If Oily skin is not cleansed properly, sebum & dead cells clog pores & lead to comedones (blackheads) These are breeding grounds for infectious bacteria &, if not given proper attention, can develop into pimples. An occasional pimple may develop into acne Dehydration can occur in every skin type, regardless of how oily the skin is
Skin Conditions Client skin may have a sufficient amount of oil but can still feel dry & flaky because of an insufficient fluid intake, too much sun, or the use of drying cosmetics are just some of the factors that can cause dehydration The application of moisturizers in the morning & evening, along with regular facial treatments, can help the skin maintain the proper moisture content Sensitivity can occur in all skin types as a reaction to such enemies of the skin as air pollution, chemical present in water, & preservatives in food
Skin Conditions Today, it is more important than ever to treat the skin with proper daily care Mature or aging skin is usually loose, wrinkled, & or lined Mature or aging skin is usually loose, wrinkled, & or lined Treatments may be effective in slowing down the aging process and can help diminish surface lines Treatments may be effective in slowing down the aging process and can help diminish surface lines
Skin abnormalities Abnormalities of the sebaceous gland & hair follicle Abnormalities of the sebaceous gland & hair follicle Comedones, papules, pustules, ingrown hair Abnormalities of the capillaries Abnormalities of the capillaries Dilated capillaries [not broken], rosacea Abnormalities of pigmentation Abnormalities of pigmentation Freckles, liver spots, moles, vitiligo Abnormalities of the corneum layer Abnormalities of the corneum layer Psoriasis Abnormalities of the connective tissue Abnormalities of the connective tissue Skin tags, scars, keloids Abnormalities Abnormalities Warts, cold sores, or herpes simplex
Summary The cosmetologist does not treat skin diseases or disorders The cosmetologist does not treat skin diseases or disorders However, as a professional, you must be able to recognize the presence of various skin ailments in order to suggest that the client seek medical advice from a physician However, as a professional, you must be able to recognize the presence of various skin ailments in order to suggest that the client seek medical advice from a physician Record keeping is a vital tool in the salon Record keeping is a vital tool in the salon