Promising Practices in Program Management and Data Use D ISTANCE L EARNING June 4, 2015 Phone lines are muted to minimize background noise. Dial *7 to unmute your line.
Phone lines are muted to minimize background noise. To speak during the webinar, unmute your line and then dial *7. When you’re done dial *6 to mute your phone. 2
Webinar Agenda Welcome Introduction to Webinar Series State Presentations Questions 3
What is the “Promising Practices in Program Management and Data Use” webinar series? Part of the NRS project’s ongoing effort to help states and programs improve their use of data for program improvement Each webinar will center on a specific strategy using data for program improvement. Hear from states that have successfully implemented the strategy Find out what they have done What the data says 4
NRS Distance Education Policy Defines distance education and learners Describes how to measure contact hours Describes assessment procedures Describes how to report on distance education students 6
Distance Education Defined Formal learning activity where students and instructors are separated by geography, time or both for the majority of the instructional period. Delivered through print, audio recording, videotape, broadcasts, computer software, web- based programs and other online technology. Supported through communication via mail, telephone, or online technologies and software. 7
Distance Education Students Defined Students receiving distance education instruction Students who receive both distance education and traditional classroom instruction State must have a policy that defines how local programs are to classify the student For NRS reporting, states can count a student only once, as either a distance education student or traditional classroom learner 8
Contact Hours -12 Hour Rule Must have 12 or more hours of contact to be counted Contact can be a combination of actual contact and contact through telephone, video, teleconference or online communication where student and program staff can interact Learner identity must be verifiable 9
Proxy Contact Hours States can optionally measure and report estimates of student contact hours (proxy hours) with these methods Clock Time –elapsed time that a learner is engaged online or with software that tracks time Teacher Verification–hours for assignments based on teacher determination of time needed to complete assignment Learner Mastery--hours based on the learner passing a test on the content of each assignment Proxy methods must match curricula and be described in state policy 10
Assessing Distance Learners Must be pre- and posttested tested like other learners Posttest time must be after the same number of instructional hours Measured by proxy hours State policy must describe when if proxy hours not measured All assessments must be face-face at a site proctored by program or state staff 11
Reporting Distance Education Students Use Tables 4C and Table 5A for Reporting Report only distance education students in these tables Include all contacts hours, including proxy hours in Table 4 Also Report in Table 4 and All Other Tables Include all contacts hours, including proxy hours 12
Distance Learning in Minnesota Tom Cytron-Hysom Renada Rutmanis Dial *7 to unmute. Dial *6 to mute. 13
Distance Learning in Ohio Donna Albanese Tim Ponder Marty Ropog Dial *7 to unmute. Dial *6 to mute. 14
Thank You! Please join us for the next webinar. 16