DEVELOPMENTS IN COPYRIGHT LICENSING Continuing to balance access with fair reward Sarah Brear Senior Business Development Manager – Education
About CLA Established for 27 years, we license copying from books, magazines, journals and digital publications. We are owned by publishers (PLS) and authors (ALCS) and represent visual creators (DACS) via an agency agreement. We protect creativity by enabling publishers and creators to get a fair reward when their work is copied. We offer licensing solutions to all sectors in the UK - providing easy, legal access to copyright publications and business information. All fees we collect are paid to creators & publishers, less 11% costs. Between 1983 and 2009, CLA generated over £450m for rights holders.
The role of CLA
The HE licence Photocopying, scanning, re-typing Re-use of digital material * UK and other territories Storage and access via your VLE Incorporate into coursepacks
Our Comprehensive Digital Offering Make copies from digital material Covers over 2,000 publishers International territories Journal articles – subscription or pay-per-view Storage and access via your VLE Incorporate into coursepacks
Moving forward in the Digital Age Development of CDL offering Free-to-view website content? Reporting issues Importance of consultation
About the new Schools Licence In addition to existing rights, the licence will enable schools to... make copies from ‘opted-in’ digital material, both paid for and free-to-view – e.g. e-books, e-journals, interactive learning and teaching resources and websites; following... market research and consultation with sector; changing learning practices and business models; international perspective.
Any questions?
Thank you for listening! Sarah BrearSenior Business Development Manager - Education Shanti ShahLicensing Gursh SanghaEducation Support Kyle PageSurveys