Voting and Elections
Why should I vote? When you become a citizen, you have the right to vote. When you become a citizen, you have the responsibility to vote. If you are not a citizen, it is illegal to vote. If you vote, you help to choose people you believe will do the right things in governing.
Why should I vote? If you don’t vote, other people who might think differently will make the choices. Your opinion won’t be counted. Voting doesn’t mean you always get what you want, but it does mean you are doing your part. It helps to keep a strong democracy in our government.
Where do I vote? You may vote only once and only in the “precinct” or district where you live. This may be in a school or church or other building in your community.
Where do I vote? After you register to vote, you will get a card in the mail that tells you exactly where you should vote. Or, you can look up on the internet where to vote through the Minnesota Secretary of State’s office: Enter your home address and it will give you the address of the voting place, plus a map to locate it.
Where do I vote? If you move to a new address in a new precinct, you must vote in the new precinct, not your old one. If you know you will be traveling and are not able to vote in your precinct on Election Day, you may vote ahead of Election Day using an “absentee ballot” that you mail in. You must make a formal request to be able to do this.
When do I vote? Major elections are held the first Tuesday in November. The polls are generally open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
When do I vote? But, there are also other elections that might be held at other times. For example, there may be a “primary” election a few months before Election Day so a major party can select its candidate. And, there are other special elections from time to time.
What is it like to vote? You might need to wait in a short line of other citizens to vote.
What is it like to vote? There are people at the election polling place who volunteer to help citizens with the process of voting. They do not tell you who you should vote for, but they help explain how to vote. You can feel very free to ask questions if you are confused about how to vote.
What is it like to vote? First, you will give your name and address to a volunteer who will look it up in a large book. This volunteer is making sure you are voting in the right place. If you have registered to vote in advance, your name will already be in this book.
What is it like to vote? If you have not registered in advance, you will need to bring an ID with your current address on it and another registered voter with you to confirm that you are a resident able to vote.
What is it like to vote? After the volunteer has located your name in the voter registration list book, you will be asked to sign your name in the book next to your name.
What is it like to vote? Then, you will be given your written voting ballot and a pencil.
What is it like to vote? Then you will be directed to a table or booth where you can complete your ballot.
What is it like to vote? Read the voting ballot directions carefully. It has many parts. In most sections, you may vote for only one of the candidates. In others, you may vote for more than one.
What is it like to vote? After you have voted, you bring your ballot to a machine to insert the ballot into the machine. A volunteer can help you. The machine does the counting for all votes electronically so we know the results of elections within a day or two.
What is it like to vote? When you are done voting, someone may give you a sticker to wear that says “I voted!” If you voted, you should be proud and wear it. Maybe it will remind others to vote as well.
How do I get ready to vote? Register to vote! When you become a citizen at your swearing-in ceremony, you will be given a voter registration card to complete and mail in. It only takes a few seconds to complete and there is no fee to register. Do it right away before you forget! Complete it, put a stamp on it, and mail it. This saves so much time for you on Election Day. If you lose the card, you can go online and find a registration form to use. Ask someone to help you, if you need it.
How do I get ready to vote? Learn about the candidates and the issues. Read a newspaper, listen to the radio, watch TV programs where the issues and candidates are discussed. Discuss the issues and candidates with others. What do other people know or think? What do people you respect think? Tell others what you think and believe. A strong democracy depends on participation by everyone.
When you become a citizen, don’t forget to vote! You will have worked hard for this right and responsibility.