Story Maps
Main Character(s) Character the story follows from beginning to end Who is or are the main character(s) in “The Three Little Pigs”?
Other Character(s) All other characters that are present in the story Who are the other characters in “The Three Little Pigs”?
Setting Description of where and when the story takes place City, Country, State, Region, Time Where does “The Three Little Pigs” take place?
What happens? What is the main problem? What problem do the pigs face? How is the problem resolved? What ultimately happens to the wolf?
List how this occurred What happened at the beginning of the story? What happened at the middle of the story What happened at the end of the story?
Theme Story’s big idea What is the lesson? What is a message? What is the lesson in this story?
Write a summary The main character is… The other characters are… The setting is… The main problem of the story is… At the beginning of the story… Then in the middle of the story… At the end, the story is resolved by… The main theme of the story is…
Plot map Way to map the plot of a story
Plot Plot: the sequence of events or actions in a short story, novel, play, or narrative poem. Plots may be simple or complex, but every plot is made up of a series of incidents that are related to one another. The most important element of plot is conflict: a struggle between two opposing forces or characters
Conflict Problem faced by a character It is a struggle between 2 forces or 2 characters What is the conflict in “The Three Little Pigs”? Types of conflict: Person vs. Person Person vs. Nature Person vs. Himself or Herself Person vs. Society Person vs. Fate, Destiny, God
Three Little Pigs Wolf vs. Pigs
Difficulty or Complications What develops the conflict? What builds tension?
Three Little Pigs Wolf will wreck pig’s houses Wolf will eat pigs
Climax The outcome of the conflict is decided How the conflicts are resolved
Three Little Pigs The wolf can’t blow down the last pig’s house
Resolution The end or conclusion of the story Loose ends are tied up Do(es) the main character or characters achieve their goal?
Three Little Pigs Wolf dies Last pig learns lesson Last pig and mom live happily ever after