Facts about world war 2 By Eleanor and Saoirse
Contents The blitzThe blitz THE BLITZ 2 evacuees Planes THE BLITZ 2evacueesPlanes
The Blitz Fabulous fact: In wartime magazine suggested reading Enid Blyton stories was a good way to make children not to be scared during the raid!!! The air raid in London began in September 1940!! St Pauls cathedral wasn’t burnt DOWN in the blitz!!!! Fun Fact: Aderson shelters had soil on top to grow vegtables and flowers!!! Fabulous Fact: Children played a blackout card game. E-ach picture card had a different name such as sand buckets and fire alarm Everybody had a gas mask including babys.
THE BLITZ 2 The were anderson and morrison shelter to protect everyone including animals. Over two million homes were destroyed,32,000 people lost their lives and 87,000 were seriously injured. During the war people had to cover their windows and doors at night ( before sunset) with heavy blackout curtains. Nearly two million children were evacuated from their homes at the start of world war two. They were evacuated to the countryside to escape the terrifying bombing.# At 4:56pm on 7 th September 1940,Theair raid sirens wailed as the German a- ir force,the luftwaffe, launched a massive raid on Londen.
Evacuees The were Mickey mouse Gas masks for children to comfort them during the air raids. Evacuees bought a box with there gas mask in. Some evacuees didn’t like there old homes so ofter they war they stayed there. They didn’t have large suitcases they had small suitcases. Many children had to grow up quickly during wartime, children exprionsed restrict diet because of rationing.
planes German planes had German sine's on them to show it was german. German planes had German sine's on them to show it was german. Planes flew realy low down to drop the bouncing bomb a bomb that bounced on water.
Quiz Who was the leader of Germany ? Daniel Radcliff Adolf Hitler NEVIL CHAMBLIN
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