Double Degree Programme (DDP) Engineering + Business Administration For Cohort 2012/13 Assoc Prof Ravi Chandran Assistant Dean (Undergraduate Studies), NUS Business School
Double Degree Advantages Gives you a different perspective (eg: quantitative vs qualitative) Wider choice of careers May help you advance in your careers (eg: engineers taking on management roles) May make your CV more attractive
Double Degree Disadvantages Takes Time, delays entering into the workforce Lack of proper planning could delay graduation even further Overloading may result in falling CAPs May have difficulties in the other field May find himself isolated in partner school May not translate to higher starting salary May be able to acquire knowledge by other means 3
4 Double Degree in Engineering & BBA(Hons)/BBAAdmission Current students from the School of Business and Faculty of Engineering (except Engineering Science) will be invited to apply in Semester 2 of their first year of studies for this DDP. Students must apply through their home faculties and prepare a 1-2 page CV and Personal Statement. Short-listed applicants may have to attend an interview. Admission Admission
5 Minimum Admission Criteria (a) CAP at 4.0 and above, as at the end of the current academic year. (b) Students must be in the honours programme of the home faculty. Admission Admission Double Degree in Engineering & BBA(Hons)/BBA
6 Programme Structure The double degree programme has been structured to meet the requirements of the two disciplines. Double Honours DDP (Honours in Engineering and Honours in BBA) - Requires a minimum of 210 modular credits. Single Honours DDP (Honours in Engineering and non-Honours in BBA) - Requires a minimum of 194 modular credits. 1.May take four-and-a-half to five-and-a-half years to complete DDP. 2.Maximum period of candidature is six years. Note: Years taken to complete DDP varies (student workload differs). Curriculum is subjected to change. MCs may vary. Double Degree in Engineering & BBA(Hons)/BBA Programme Structure Programme Structure
7 Type of ModulesMCs required Business Administration Modules76 Common Modules32 Engineering Modules90 GEMs & SSM12 Overall Total210 # Double Degree in Engineering & BBA (Hons) Programme Structure Programme Structure # - Minimum Note: Curriculum is subject to change. MCs may vary.
8 Type of ModulesMCs required Business Administration Modules60 Common Modules28 Engineering Modules94 GEMs & SSM12 Overall Total194 # Double Degree in Engineering & BBA Programme Structure Programme Structure # - Minimum Note: Curriculum is subject to change. MCs may vary.
9 Programme Structure The double degree programme has been structured to meet the requirements of the two disciplines. With accountancy, students will need to extend beyond 5 years. Double Honours DDP (Honors in Engineering and BBA(Acc.Hon) - Requires a minimum of 242 modular credits. Single Honours DDP (Honours in Engineering and BBA(Acc.) - Requires a minimum of 220 modular credits. - Maximum period of candidature is seven years. Note: Years taken to complete DDP varies (student workload differs). Curriculum is subjected to change. MCs may vary. Double Degree in Engineering & BBA(Acc.Hons)/BBA(Acc) Programme Structure Programme Structure
10 Type of ModulesMCs required Business Administration Modules including accounting modules 108 Common Modules16 Engineering Modules106 GEMs & SSM12 Overall Total242 # Programme Structure Programme Structure Double Degree in Engineering & BBA (Acc.Hons.) # - Minimum Note: Curriculum is subject to change. MCs may vary.
11 Type of ModulesMCs required Business Administration Modules including accounting modules 88 Common Modules16 Engineering Modules106 GEMs & SSM12 Overall Total222 # Double Degree in Engineering & BBA (Acc.) Programme Structure Programme Structure # - Minimum Note: Curriculum is subject to change. MCs may vary.
12 Overseas Learning Experience Student Exchange Program (SEP) Student Exchange Program (SEP) With proper planning, students are able to embark on the Student Exchange Program (SEP) to enrich their learning experiences. Students are to apply through their home faculty’s SEP coordinators. For students whose Home faculty is business, please contact Ms Jessie Toh at Home faulty is engineering, please contact Ms Davina Tham at
13 Fees and Scholarships AY2010/11 cohort and after: Students in a DDP will pay the prevailing tuition fee of the Faculty/School offering the home course for the first four years of study. The prevailing tuition fee refers to the “Direct Payment” amount after taking into consideration the Tuition Grant provided by the Ministry of Education. For the fifth year of study, in view of limited or no Tuition Grant from the Ministry of Education, the fees payable are pegged to the home course as follows: DDPs where one of the degrees is in Engineering: two times the prevailing fee However, in view of the financial implications for students, NUS will offer scholarships to all DDP students (no application needed) to help offset part of the tuition fee payable in the fifth year. In other words, For Engineering DDP’s, students will only need to pay the prevailing tuition fee of the Faculty/School offering the home course; Fees & Scholarships Fees & Scholarships Double Degree in Engineering & BBA/BBA(Hons)
14 Exit Students can choose to leave the programme. Please note that the decision to withdraw is irrevocable. The separate CAPs for the two degrees will be combined and computed as a single CAP All modules (except S/U modules) must be computed towards the single CAP OR Students will be required to leave if they fail to meet the continuation requirements CAP falls below 4.0 for the home course for two consecutive semesters CAP falls below 3.5 for the second course for two consecutive semesters Combination of both for consecutive semesters Note: Students exiting the DDP must return to the home faculty for the single degree. Switching of home faculty with clean slate is not permissible for DDP students. Exit Exit Double Degree in Engineering & BBA/BBA(Hons)
15 Contact Information For FAQ on Double Degree Programmes, please refer to the Registrar’s Office website at – – (FoE + Biz DDP Website) For more information, please refer to the Faculty of Engineering website at For double-degree program requirements or structure queries, please contact the following: Faculty of Engineering Please contact Ms Lesley Poong at NUS Business School Please contact Mr Kwok at Double Degree in Engineering & BBA/BBA(Hons) Contact Information Contact Information