Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November 29 2010 1 The project describing resources of the French National Library.


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Presentation transcript:

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November The project describing resources of the French National Library

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November Right now: If I want to find stuff on the Web, about basic topics: books, authors… …Unless I already know and use Library portals and tools… … it is quite hard to find resources provided by Libraries. Even digital books.

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November Different uses

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November What?  Need to make our resources easier to find  A world of standards  Just the Web, from records to data Why?  Online information  Both bibliographic and digital, displaying content  Mission including state of the art information technologies (1994 decree creating the BnF), prospective  Existing resources  BnF projects: Curators, IT How?  Preliminary study  Working on a first version

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November Environment

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November The digital framework of the French National Library

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November A project: gather data describing resources Web evolutions :  Decreasing use of specific portals  More quotes and links (URI) Bibliographic description:  Tradition and standards to describe resources  New models (FRBR)

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November Publish linked data, a project called

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November Around concepts

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November A project : Objectives Context:  Web environment: Make it easy for internet users to find our resources  Library environment: Existing framework, sets of authority records. Starting with the « concepts » of: Authors, Works. Advantages:  Checked content, trust  Reliable links for quotations  Public service Means:  An enriched interface for the general public  Data management (Semantic Web technologies)

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November Team work

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November « agile » methodology IT department (Project management) Library Curators (Product holder) External developers

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November A Web interface … easy-to-find and easy-to-use : This « hub » is not just one more interface, it must gather:  Resources, for users  Data, on the Web.

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November Bringing them together… … redirecting towards specific tools: Does not replace existing catalogues Does not include a search engine … using FRBR  Associated and interoperable with new cataloguing principles  In order to regroup resources

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November A Web interface « landing pages » about concepts Works and Agents Un pivot Relying on authority records. Bring together and give access to several databases.  Organized Links  Accessible to search engines

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November A Web interface Example of an « Agent » page Leading to « Work » pages

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November A Web interface Example of a « Work » page Linking with content Leading to other services

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November A Web interface Example of a « Work » page data from the “linked data” cloud

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November Un travail sur les données Combining a "traditional" Web interface with a "Linking open data" approach:  Bringing up information around a concept: the choice of RDF  A "regular" Web interface,  Beyond the interface, persistent URLs.  A back-office work on the data Bringing data together  An end-user interface  “Raw data" too

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November Architecture

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November Data at work  Persistent identifiers  Aligning and regrouping data  A time of questions around standards (FRBR, RDA)

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November Functional principles Extract - Transform child books (JPL) online exhibitions Gallica BnF Archives & manuscripts General catalogue (MARC) Regroup - Align Publication - control Autres sources Wikipedia. Other resources Wikipedia, etc. Web InterfaceWeb of Data Information concepts leading to Other Libraries

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November data Libraries in the « semantic Web »  Institutions-  Information- « Web of data »  Integrating « linked data »  Make it work both ways-

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November « impossible » is not in our vocabulary

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November To be continued… Library data  URIs for the resources  Useful information  Provide RDF view A « collaborative » site ? Changes in library policy. Strategic issues: efficiency and interoperability.

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November Just a beginning…

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November SWIB10 SEMANTIC WEB IN BIBLIOTHEKEN Köln Mediapark 29. and 30. November 2010 thanks Further information: - Just ask… - Or write to

Romain Wenz- BnF-DIBN – SWIB 2010 November To be continued…