World Resources & Energy Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed. ~Peter Drucker
Capital Resources The money, machinery, & facilities used to produce goods & services The money, machinery, & facilities used to produce goods & services
Human Resources The people who perform various tasks. The people who perform various tasks.
Natural Resources Materials people take from the environment to survive & satisfy their needs Materials people take from the environment to survive & satisfy their needs They are unevenly distributed throughout the world They are unevenly distributed throughout the world
Renewable Resources that are continually replaced by the environment Soil, water, plants, animals, sun, etc.
Non-renewable Resources that cannot be replaced once used Resources that cannot be replaced once used Mineral deposits, fossil fuels. Mineral deposits, fossil fuels.
Energy Sources Modern industrialized nations rely heavily on reliable sources of energy Modern industrialized nations rely heavily on reliable sources of energy
Oil & Natural Gas Remains of ancient plants & animals. Remains of ancient plants & animals. ½ the world’s known petroleum reserves are in a few Southwest Asian countries. ½ the world’s known petroleum reserves are in a few Southwest Asian countries. At the present rate of consumption, supplies will last less than a century. At the present rate of consumption, supplies will last less than a century.
Coal More widely distributed than petroleum More widely distributed than petroleum Industrial centers grew up around coal supplies Industrial centers grew up around coal supplies Current supplies will last only about 200 years. Current supplies will last only about 200 years. Air pollution & acid rain Air pollution & acid rain
Nuclear Energy Splitting uranium atoms to release their stored energy (fission) Splitting uranium atoms to release their stored energy (fission) Uranium is a rare and non-renewable resource Uranium is a rare and non-renewable resource Fusion is sought as an alternative because fuel is plentiful Fusion is sought as an alternative because fuel is plentiful Radioactive waste & safety Radioactive waste & safety
Geothermal Energy Energy from the Earth’s internal heat, usually in the form of steam Energy from the Earth’s internal heat, usually in the form of steam Must be near areas of volcanic activity. Must be near areas of volcanic activity.
Solar Energy Energy produced by the sun Energy produced by the sun Heat water & homes Heat water & homes Generate electricity Generate electricity Useless at night & with heavy cloud cover Useless at night & with heavy cloud cover
Hydroelectricity Electricity produced by moving water Electricity produced by moving water Tidal & rivers Tidal & rivers Must be near moving water Must be near moving water
Wind Power Electricity produced by moving air. Wind Farms Dead birds Ruins scenery
Biofuels Methane (rotten egg gas) produced by rotting garbage & manure used to produce methanol Methane (rotten egg gas) produced by rotting garbage & manure used to produce methanol Used vegetable oils for bio-diesel. Used vegetable oils for bio-diesel. Corn used to produce ethanol. Corn used to produce ethanol.