Freud Psychosexual development
StageAge RangeErogenous zone
Oral The infant's mouth is the focus of sexual gratification derived from the pleasure of suckling at the infant mother's breast. Id dominates Ego is not yet fully developed Super ego is not yet fully developed
Anal Ego continues to form Toilet training is the child's key anal-stage experience Conflicts between the Id and the Ego in ridding of bodily waste
Child's genitalia are his or her primary erogenous zone Child knows physical (sexual) differences between "male" and "female" Oedipus complex or Electra complex Defense Mechanisms: First is repression Then identification
Latent The patient gets pleasure from secondary process- thinking Manifesting in external activities, such as schooling, friendships, hobbies, etc.
Genital Sexuality is consensual and adult The patient’s concern shifts from primary gratification to secondary process-thinking. Desire is expressed by means of friendships, love relationships, family and adult responsibilities.
Acknowledges and References Kaplan & Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry, B.J. Sadock & V.A. Sadock, ISBN First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK, T. LE, V. Bhushan, H.S. Bagga, ISBN Step-Up to Medicine, 2 nd edition, S.S. Agabegi, E.D. Agabegi, ISBN Falcon Review Books for Step 2 Kaplan 2008 Review Books for Step 2