Dr. Soupsana P. Katerina Ioannina, 5/7/13
What is Real-time PCR? Real-time PCR is the continuous collection of fluorescent signal from one or more polymerase chain reactions over a range of cycles. Quantitative real-time PCR is the conversion of the fluorescent signals from each reaction into a numerical value for each sample.
Where can I use this method? Gene expression analysis Mutation analysis (genotyping) DNA methylation Mitochondrial DNA analysis Real time immuno-PCR Clinical microbiology and virology Hematology Solid organ transplant monitoring Prenatal diagnosis of monogenic diseases caused by single nucleotide changes
Real time PCR Instruments Eppendorf Realplex Stratagene Mx3005p Qiagen Rotor-Gene Q Bio-Rad CFX96
Roche LightCycler 480 Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast BiomarkOpenArray Real time PCR Instruments
High throughput platforms 96 96 (=9216 reactions) Dynamic Array Open Array 3072 reactions Assays Samples
Roche Lightcycler
Real time PCR: an overview
One or two step RT-PCR?
ProcedureAdvantages One-stepEasy-Fast Low contamination risk High reproducibility Two-StepMultiple PCRs from a single RT reaction Flexibility with RT primer choice Long-term storage of cDNA Useful when your RNA is in low quantity
RNA quality and quantity Bioanalyzer-RIN number/Nanodrop
Common used dyes
SYBR green method
LUX (light upon extension) primers
Plexor system Use of isomers of the bases cytodine and guanine, iso-C and iso-G. Iso-dGTP coupled to a dark quencher dye (DABSYL) Signal goes down instead of up!
Taqman probes
Molecular beacons
FRET probes
Melting curve analysis
Standard curve
Amplification Plot
Analyze your data
Choosing a gene for normalization
ΔCt and ΔΔCt method