D EVELOPING L IFE -, C OLLEGE - AND W ORK - R EADY S TUDENTS S TATE S TRATEGIC P LAN IN E DUCATION November 13, 2012 Kristin Bernhard, Education Policy.


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Presentation transcript:

D EVELOPING L IFE -, C OLLEGE - AND W ORK - R EADY S TUDENTS S TATE S TRATEGIC P LAN IN E DUCATION November 13, 2012 Kristin Bernhard, Education Policy Advisor, Office of Governor Nathan Deal

“I view education as our number one economic development tool. There is no more forward-looking or strategic place to invest.” -Governor Nathan Deal

Strategic Priority #1: Increase the percentage of Georgia students that are able to read at grade level by the completion of third grade.

Third-grade reading level is a significant predictor of: Eighth grade reading level Ninth grade course performance High School Graduation Unemployment later in life From birth to the third grade, students are learning to read. From third grade on, they must read to learn.

Support the rollout of “Quality Rated,” Georgia’s voluntary quality rating system for childcare programs Continue strategic investments in the quality of Georgia’s Pre-K Program Provide targeted professional development in teaching reading and literacy skills to pre- kindergarten and early grades teachers through the Reading Instruction Mentors Program

Strategic Priority #2: Increase the percentage of teachers and principals that are considered effective.

Teacher and Leader Keys were piloted in our 26 Race to the Top school districts last year, and will roll out in over 50 school districts this school year. Teacher Keys Effectiveness System (Generates a Teacher Effectiveness Measure Score) Surveys of Instructional Practice (Intermediate, Middle, and High School) Teacher Assessment on Performance Standards (Data sources include observations and documentation) Student Growth and Academic Achievement Teachers of Tested Subjects - Student growth percentile - Student growth percentile Teachers of Non-Tested Subjects - DOE-approved district - DOE-approved district Student Learning Objectives Student Learning Objectives

Priority #3 Increase teacher competency & student proficiency & achievement in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

Jobs of the future will require more than just a basic understanding of math and science. The most recent ten year employment projections by the U.S. Labor Department show that of the 20 fastest growing occupations projected for 2014, 15 of them require significant math and/or science preparation. 16 of the 25 highest-paying jobs in 2010 require STEM preparation, and STEM workers earn 26% more than their non-STEM peers. Nationally, less than 10% of post-secondary degrees are conferred in the STEM fields.

UTeach Offers compact degree plans, early teaching experiences, guidance by expert master teachers, and financial assistance for STEM undergraduate students to raise the quantity and quality of mathematics, science, and computer science teachers in secondary schools Innovation Fund $19.4 million competitive grant program created through Georgia’s Race to the Top (RT3) plan Competitive grant awards for partnerships that develop or implement innovative and high-impact programs aimed at producing positive outcomes for students Common Core State led effort to develop unified and more rigorous college and career aligned educational standards that build strong and deep foundational skills in Math and English/Language Arts

Priority #4: Increase the percentage of Georgians that hold a postsecondary credential.

By 2020, it’s anticipated that 60% of jobs in Georgia will require some form of higher education (certificate, associates, bachelors or beyond). Currently, 42% of our young adults (age 25-34) qualify.

We have a particular gap in middle-skill certification. In 2009, 51% of all jobs in Georgia were middle-skill jobs, but only 40% of our workers are currently trained to the middle skill level. Less than 25 percent of full-time students at two-year colleges ever graduate. Only 44 percent at four-year colleges get their degree within six years.

Complete College Georgia launched in August 2011: 1.Develop comprehensive system-wide and campus-level completion plans -USG & TCSG joint plan completed in December Georgia became first state in the nation to have a completion plan from every public institution of higher education in September Restructure select Technical College programs to better support working students 3.Increase Course Articulation to build a seamless education system -There are now 27 courses transferable to USG institutions from TCSG institutions. 4.Improve remediation -$1 million Complete College America grant being used to pilot innovative remediation programs at College of Coastal Georgia, Georgia Gwinnett College, Athens Technical College and DeKalb Technical College. 5.Create a needs-based college scholarship program -The REACH Scholarship, which identifies low-income middle school students with college potential, provide s mentoring and a college scholarship funded with private dollars, launched February Form the Higher Education Funding Commission -Examine ways to change the funding formula to incentivize completion. Recommendations due to Governor Deal by the end of this year.

Priority #5: Empower citizens with public school options and local flexibility to improve student achievement

Flexibility/Accountability options for traditional school systems Changes to the K-12 funding formula to support school system spending discretion Support of high quality charter Schools

Early Literacy Teacher and Leader Effectiveness STEM Post- secondary access, retention, and completion Public school flexibility and accountability

Questions? Comments? Follow Up? Kristin Bernhard 142 State Capitol Atlanta, Georgia