X Cupressocyparis leylandii COMMON NAME: Leyland cypress FAMILY: CupressaceaeCupressaceae NATIVE: Great Britain Hardiness Zones: 6-10
X Cupressocyparis leylandii
FORM: narrow-leaved evergreen (scale like), 65 ft spread, and 12 ft height but an reach 100 ft tall, columnar form FOLIAGE: small needle like leaves, ends of branches tend to twist FRUIT: round, small cone, ½ to ¾” diameter, brown, rarely found
X Cupressocyparis leylandii
Magnolia grandiflora COMMON NAME: Southern Magnolia Family: Magnoliaceae NATIVE: USA, occurs on the coastal plain from North Carolina south to central Florida and west to east Texas. HARDINESS ZONE: 7-9
Magnolia grandiflora HEIGHT: feet tall WIDTH: 2-3 ft trunk Pyramidal shaped LEAVES: 5-8 inches long, leathery and a dark glossy green on top, and velveteen, brown underneath.
Magnolia grandiflora FLOWER: Showy White flower that is 8-12 inches in diameter, blooms during spring and summer. FRUITS: cone like structures with red kidney shaped berries in them, 2-4 inches long on a hardy petiole. Drought tolerate and likes full to partial sun.
Magnolia grandiflora The state flower to Mississippi and Louisiana Those up north that like these trees can get one of the 100 cultivars called “Little Gem”. It is smaller is stature and grows slowly.
Pinus mugo COMMON NAME: Mugo Pine – Other names: Swiss Mountain Pine, Dwarf mountain pine Family: Pinaceae NATIVE: Mountains of Europe from Spain to Yugoslavia Hardiness Zones: 3-7
Pinus mugo
Pinus mugo SHAPE: bushy shrub that is round or spreading. HEIGHT: rarely get 10ft NEEDLES: 2 in. length, and carried in fascicles of 2, and crowded on the stem. LIGHT: full sun, light shade DOES NOT TOLERATE DROUGHT/HEAT
Pinus mugo
Pinus mugo The dull brown cones are ovoid, about 2 in (5 cm) long, and covered with flat or slightly concave scales
Pinus mugo Good for foundation planting, however if you do not use a common variety like the var. mugo you tend to have unpredictable results from planting these shrubs. Growing from seed could occur but to take cuttings is the best way to propagate.
Pinus strobus COMMON NAME: Eastern White Pine – Northern White pine, soft pine Family: Pinaceae NATIVE: North America – Newfoundland, Ontario, Great Lakes Region, Northeast US down to Georgia\ – Hardiness Zones: 4-7
Pinus strobus
Evergreen, conifer HEIGHT: up to 150ft. WIDTHL 2-4 ft in diameter (trunk) LEAVES: needles that are bluish-green occuring in bundles of 5, needles can be marked by a white like their entire length.
Pinus strobus FRUIT: light brown cones, often numerous cones are 6-8" long curved with a pointed tip takes two years for cones to reach maturity cones typically clustered in the upper third of the tree