Chapter 8: Jesus Christ True God and True Man
The Gospels: Faith portraits of Jesus The Catholic Church encourages us to read the Bible, especially the Gospels. Gospels – literally _______________; it is the written account of the life of Christ. Reading them is an important way of encountering Christ St. Jerome says, “Ignorance of Scriptures is ignorance of Christ.” “the good news”
Some Facts about the gospels It is generally believed that the first one was written 30-40 years after Jesus’ resurrection. The Gospels are not necessarily historically, geographically, and scientifically accurate – since these information are not the essentials for our salvation. What is accurate, true, and divinely inspired are the religious truths and those things that Jesus talks about concerning morality, God, and faith. There are four Gospels that are attributed to the four evangelists – __________________________________. All four had a different “audience” with different challenges and concerns – hence some used the same stories, some are unique. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Gospel Sources
The Development of the Gospels See page 85
Titles of jesus in the Bible The name Jesus/Yeshua means “God saves” (Lk. 1:31) It is through Jesus and Jesus alone, that we are saved from our sins. Christ Χριςτοσ (Christos/Anointed One); Messiah The Anointed One/Messiah was believed to be one who will fulfill God’s promises as the savior of the world Son of God Signifies Jesus relationship as the eternal Son of the Father, the 2nd person of the Trinity Yahweh The name of God in the Hebrew Considered too sacred so instead of using Yahweh, the Jewish people referred to God as Adonai or Lord (Dominus). We call Jesus LORD to acknowledge his divinity Other titles for Jesus Emmanuel, Suffering Servant, the Good Shepherd, etc.
The Incarnation: True God and True Man Jesus was not only fully God or divine; he was also fully man. That means that he laughed, wept, felt joy, experienced temptation, and felt pain. He had both a human and divine intellect This union of divine and human nature of Jesus in one Divine Person is called the Incarnation Jesus as the second person of the Trinity has always existed, but when He became man, he began to exist in time. As the perfect union of the human and divine, Jesus is the perfect mediator between God and man.
“Hail, Full of grace, the lord is with you!” (Luke 1:28)
Mary, Mother of God Theotokos (θετοκος) – literally means the “Mother of God”; title that dates back to the 5th century. God has chosen many women throughout the Old Testament to accomplish His plan – in the New Testament a woman from His Chosen People would be chosen the mother of his Son. Mary is properly called the Mother of God because Mary is the mother of Jesus (fully human and divine), and not just the mother of his human nature.
The Annunciation Archangel Gabriel “Hail, full of grace (favored one). The LORD is with you!” Expresses two important Catholic beliefs: Perpetual Virginity Immaculate Conception
Blessed Mary, Ever-Virgin The Bible tells us that Mary conceived Jesus in her womb when the “Holy Spirit” overshadowed her. The Virgin conception and birth signify that: Jesus (who did not also have an earthly father) is the New Adam who will usher in a new heaven and earth. That it was God who took the initiative to “save us” with Mary’s consent. Christian tradition teaches that Mary remained perpetually a virgin and had no relations with her husband Joseph, even after the birth of Jesus. “brothers and sisters of Jesus” – early Christian fathers and theologians interpreted this as Jesus’ “cousins or close relatives”; they could also have been Jesus step-siblings from Joseph. Mary’s spiritual motherhood extends to all of God’s children. Her primary role is to lead us closer to Jesus.
Homework Diorama Presentations begins next week Chapter 8 Vocab Quiz – Thursday, December 18 Chapter 8 Test and Study guide due Friday Advent Daily Mass or alternate assignment due by next Monday
The Immaculate Conception An ancient teaching and dogma of the Catholic faith that affirms that Mary was conceived in her mother’s womb without original sin. This enables her to freely cooperate with God’s plan of salvation Mary is also saved by Christ like the rest of sinful humanity, but in anticipation. This feast is celebrated on December 8th
Christological Heresies Major controversies arose whether Jesus was fully man and fully divine. Here are some false teachings (heresies) about Jesus that were condemned:
Docetism Jesus is God and just “appeared” (docere) to be human. Likened to Clark Kent or Jake Sully from Avatar. Denies that Jesus is fully human. Condemned by the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. The Islamic Qu’ran (7th century) teaches that Jesus “appeared” to have died on the Cross.
Arianism Arius taught that Jesus is more of a “super-human”. He’s an overachiever, demi-god Denied that Jesus is fully divine or God. Condemned also by the Council of Nicea. All main Christian denominations agree that Jesus is fully God, the 2nd person of the Trinity. Mormons and Jehova’s Witness are considered non-Christians because they follow some of the teachings of Arius.
Nestorianism Nestorius and his followers taught that the two natures of Jesus – human and divine – are really two separate persons and are not united in the person of Jesus. Therefore they believed that Mary is the Mother of Jesus, but not the Mother of God. Condemned by the Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD. Some Protestant denominations believe in some form of Nestorianism.
Monophysitism Jesus had only one (mono) divine nature. His human nature was “synthesized” into his divine nature. Like a Borg (Star Trek) Also condemned by the Council of Chalcedon. Seen as a heresy by most Christian denominations.