First trimester Starts with implantation The first 12 weeks of pregnancy. The embryotic stage occurs within this time It ends just after the baby begins fetal development The baby is roughly 9cm and 60g at this point.
Implantation Implantation occurs when the fertilized egg “zygote” is embedded in the uterus. Occurs 6-10 days after ovulation After fertilization the zygote remains within the fallopian tube for 3 days until it is implanted within the uterus.
Embryotic period (first-fifth week) The embryotic stage occurs from fertilization until roughly 8 th week. fertilization (first day) implantation (first week) Central nervous system begins to develop (third week) Heart is almost fully developed beating begins (third week) upper limbs develop (fourth week) Brain and spinal cord structure is developed (fifth week) The baby is still tiny roughly once centimeter in length and weight less than a gram
Embryotic period (6-8 th ) Hands and feet can be seen (8 th week) Becomes reactive to external stimuli (8 th week) Testes within a male become active. (8 th week) No change in female sex development (8 th week)
Fetal period (9-12) Fetal stage begins (week 9) Placenta is well established at this point (week 12) Very little is developed within weeks 9-12
Effects on the mother (first trimester) Pregnancy hormones are released The developing baby can be seen with ultrasounds Routine ultrasounds are common Breasts will begin to produce milk Symptoms Flatulence Cramping Constipation Heartburn Fatigue
Second trimester (fetal period) 14 th -20 th week Makes up the first part of the Fetal period The brain is developed so the body can undergo basic functions (14 th -16 th week) Move Swallow Heart beat noticeable The sex of the Baby is distinguishable (week 16) Hair begins to grow (20 th week) By the 20 th week the baby is roughly 20cm and 300g
Effects on the mother Appetite increases Breast tenderness subsides Movement of the baby can become noticeable Baby grows within the womb A “baby bump” can be seen Stomach gets sore due to stretching Frequent voiding of the bladder Gums are sensitive
Third trimester (fetal period) 28 th -birth, makes up the last of the fetal stage It has all body functions developed (28 th week) Organs are still developing (lungs especially) Skin becomes red and wrinkly (32 nd week) The baby's head is turned down. (32 nd week) Finger nails grow (36 th week) At birth the baby is roughly 51cm and 2.4kg (this number varies greatly) (40 th week)
Effects on the mother The baby begins to kick Lower back pain Swollen legs, feet and ankles Lactation can occur Stretch marks may occur Heartburn Interrupted sleep
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Works sited trimester-changes.php trimester-changes.php cy_and_childbirth/second_trimester_85,P01234/ cy_and_childbirth/second_trimester_85,P01234/ nataldevelop.htm nataldevelop.htm Ritter, Bob, Douglas Fraser, K. L. Burley, and Bob Ritter. Nelson Biology, Alberta Toronto: Thomson Nelson, 2008