Primary Information for Parents
School starts at 08:30 Punctuality is very important! Transport Children and Year 1 leave school at 14:20 Year 2 to Year 6 leave school at 14:25
Please let us know who will be picking up your child from school.
Please make an appointment if you need to speak to the school staff.
When you send money to school please: Send the Exact Amount Send it in a sealed envelope Write your child’s name on the envelope Write the teacher’s name on the envelope Write what the money is for: (Christmas Party…Muffin Day…Buskett Outing…)
Some points to remember: No jewellery or fashion accessories. Full clean uniform. For Sports - plain white shoes with simple fastenings. Simple black hair accessories. No extra things in school bag. No expensive toys/gadgets.
Sick children are to stay at home. Please ask your doctor for a certificate which clearly indicates when your child is fit to return to school. If your child suffers from an allergy, please ask your doctor to write a note to the class teacher.
Food: Healthy Food Only Plain Water Fruit & Vegetables Birthdays – PLAIN Cupcakes or sliced cake only (no sweet decorations, jam, chocolate, flavours etc.)
Children should read every day.
Check your children’s school bags and their homework every day.
Spend time with your child.
Notices will be posted on the website and sent by . Please make sure that we have your address.
We are here to help!