Measurement By: Shaina King. Launch “When you go to the lumber yard to get a piece of board to finish the last step on the swing set clubhouse, what is.


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Presentation transcript:

Measurement By: Shaina King

Launch “When you go to the lumber yard to get a piece of board to finish the last step on the swing set clubhouse, what is one thing you need to know?” “I have 3 storage totes one is 12in. long another is 24in. long and the last one is 50 in. long. I need to move everything to the new school building but it is raining so I want you and your partner(s) to find the biggest objects in the room that will fit in each storage box without going over the length of the tote so it will not get wet. “ “Has anyone every used a tape measure, yard stick, or a ruler? How do we use a ruler?”

Group1 Group2Group3Group4Group5Group6 Length of Table _in. _cm. _in. _cm. _in. _cm. _in. _cm. _in. _cm. _in. _cm. Tallest Person’s Height _in. _cm. _in. _cm. _in. _cm. _in. _cm. _in. _cm. _in. _cm. Width of any textbook _in. _cm. _in. _cm. _in. _cm. _in. _cm. _in. _cm. _in. _cm. Length of the person with the shortest hair _in. _cm. _in. _cm. _in. _cm. _in. _cm. _in. _cm. _in. _cm. Height of a chair _in. _cm. _in. _cm. _in. _cm. _in. _cm. _in. _cm. _in. _cm. Investigate

Discuss “What tools were easier to measure with? Why” “What was easier to measure with inches? Centimeters?” “Why was everybody's measurements different on some things?” “What would be some things we would probably measure in centimeters instead of inches?”

Practice How many centimeters? How many inches? 15 ½ cm. 6 1/8 in.

Practice Literacy: If you noticed our bonus spelling words this week is inch and centimeter. We also have learned how to abbreviate inch and centimeter; in. and cm. Science: In science we can use a ruler to measure the growth of our plants we planted from a seed. It is important we know how to use a ruler correctly in order to have accurate results. Social Studies: In ancient times, the body ruled when it came to measuring. The length of a foot, the width of a finger, and the distance of a step were all accepted measurements. At first an inch was the width of a man's thumb. In the 14th century, King Edward II of England ruled that 1 inch equaled 3 grains of barley placed end to end lengthwise.

Practice “What did you learn?” “What level did you get to?” - Measurement game ames nt_math_first_1st_grade.htm

Evaluate Measure the height of each object in inches and check your guesses. Drag the objects in order from the shortest to the tallest. On a scrap piece of paper try and put this object in order from shortest to the tallest.

Evaluate 1. Is 1 inch bigger than 1 centimeter? 2. Name something that is about 5 inches long. 3. Is 6 centimeters bigger than 6 inches? 4. What tool would you use to measure a blanket with? 5. What would you measure using a tape measure? 6. If you have a pencil that was exactly 5 inches long but you did not have a ruler to measure out a piece of sheet paper that was 40 inches long, how many times would you lay your pencil down to get 40 inches?

Closure “What is something that is 12 inches long in the classroom? What else did we measure today? What units of measurements did we use? Can someone tell me something they measure at home or at the store?” “Let watch real close this week to see what we measure with inches and centimeters.”

Modifications Gearing up: If the lesson is to easy for some students or all the students I will have the students do a scavenger hunt. They will find something in the classroom that is 1 inch, 2 inches, 3 inches, and so on up to 12 inches. Gearing Down: If the lesson is to hard for some students I will only use one unit of measurement such as inches only.

References _math_first_1st_grade.htm _math_first_1st_grade.htm es es a=N&rls=com a=N&rls=com

Objectives Content Objective: Students will be able to measure in inches and centimeters using tape measures, rulers, or yard sticks Process Objectives- Problem Solving: Students will use measurement tools to solve various problems related to measuring Reasoning and Proof: Students will use reasoning and prove to the rest of the class weather to use inches or centimeters and what tool would be best to use in the situation Communication: Students will work with their classmates in groups to solve problems and work at a team to measure actual objects Connections: Students will identify when they use measuring tools outside of the math classroom Representation: Students will measure multiple objects and organize and record their findings then discuss with the class NCTM Standards- Numbers and Operations: Use a variety of methods and tolls to compute, including objects, mental computation, estimation, paper and pencil, and calculators Algebra: Sort, classify, and order objects by size, number, and other properties Geometry: Describe, name, and interpret direction and distance in navigating space and apply ideas about direction and distance Measurement: Use tools to measure Data Analysis and Probability: Discuss events related to students’ experiences as likely or unlikely Background Knowledge Needed: A basic knowledge of measuring with inches and centimeters using rulers, tape measures, and yard/meter sticks

Lesson Plan 1. Launch/Engage: I will begin the lesson with an storage tote problem where the students have to measure objects in the room to fit inside storage boxes. 2. Investigative Task: Students will be split up into groups and each group will use different measuring tools to measure objects in inches and centimeters and placing them into a chart for the class to see. 3. Discuss: We will discuss when it is best to use inches and when it is best to use centimeters. We will also talk about when we should use a ruler, tape measure, or a yard stick. 4. Practice/Extend: As a class we will explore many online measuring games and each student will have several turns measuring with the tools online either at the smart board or on another computer for further practice if needed. 5. Assessment/Evaluation: The students will answer a list of questions for my assessment. 6. Closure/Ending: I will discuss with the students how important measuring is and we will talk about how often and when we use measuring in everyday life besides in math class.