Holy Scripture repeatedly admonishes us to “Fear the Lord!” (Ps. 33:6-9; 89:6-11). What exactly does this mean? In this context, the word fear carries the idea of respect, reverence and obedience.
Man must manifest a profound sense of awe and adoration for the God of heaven (1 Tim. 1:17). An earnest consideration of God’s majesty and holiness will move us to reverently worship and serve him (Heb. 12:25-29).
We are admonished to “Fear God” in the beginning of Proverbs, in the middle of Job, and at the end of Ecclesiastes. This distinctive arrangement is noteworthy, and communicates a much needed truth: we should fear God in our youth, in the midst of life, and old age and infirmity.
Proverbs primarily addresses those who are young. The importance of fearing God is set forth in the book’s prologue (Prov. 1:7). Youths lacking in reverence will be ensnared in sin and shame (Prov. 1:8-33).
Job describes the ordeal of a middle-aged man. The importance of fearing God is affirmed near the book’s center (Job 28:28). Like Job, we must fear God in the midst of life’s trials (Job 1:8-22; 2:1-10; 42:1-6).
Ecclesiastes records the sad musing of an elderly man, regretful of his false steps and failures. The importance of fearing God is emphasized in the book’s conclusion (Eccl. 12:13-14). Like Solomon, we must understand that only those who fear the Lord will endure (Eccl. 3:12-15; 5:1-7; 7:15-18; 8:10-13; 12:1-14).
Countless blessings fall on those who fear the Lord (Ps. 34:7-9; 103:17-18), but the wicked have no such hope (Deut. 25:17-19; Rom. 3:9- 18). The certainty of the Judgment underscores the need for us to “Fear God and keep his commandments!” (Prov. 23:17-19; Rev. 20:11- 15).