A Business Improvement District (BID) is a local, democratically elected organisation that focuses on delivering specific improvements identified by local businesses in a defined area. BIDs invest in and deliver projects aimed at improving the local trading environment, driving down business costs and raising the profile of the area as a whole. BIDs are led and controlled by businesses. They are independent, not-for-profit organisations with ring-fenced funding and resources.
HOW DOES A BID HAPPEN? - Funded by a ‘levy’ or investment agreed and paid by businesses -BIDs operate for 5 years -A Ballot is held for businesses to cast a vote to form a BID -Over 50% of businesses that vote, must vote in favour of the BID. Of the businesses that vote, those voting yes must represent a greater total rateable value than the businesses voting no. -25% turn out -A business plan is agreed, projects the BID will fund are listed and costed. The budget and 5 year plan is published
WHY AM I HERE? -This directly affects you -Make an informed decision -To understand your priorities for the city centre and ensure the Business Plan reflects your needs -You are part of the consultation process -Doing nothing is not an option
CURRENT UK POSITION -241 successful BID ballots -41 unsuccessful ballots -66/73 reballots -46% turnout -74% vote in favour -100,000+ businesses -£300 million investment -20% additional income
WHAT ARE BIDS DELIVERING? -Marketing and Promotion -Safety and Security -Cleansing and Maintenance -Access -Physical Environment -Business Support
BID PROJECTS (1) MARKETING AND PROMOTION: -High Street Vouchers -Free Parking Initiatives -Online Directory and Social Media app -Events and Festivals -Improved Market
BID PROJECTS (2) SAFETY AND SECURITY -Increased CCTV -Community Wardens -Town Centre Teams -Extra policing for events -Radio Links
BID PROJECTS (3) CLEANSING AND MAINTENANCE -Additional cleansing -Graffiti removal -Flower arrangements
BID PROJECTS (4) ACCESS -Affordable Car Parking -On street signage -Working with public transport to ensure accessibility
BID PROJECTS (5) PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT -Enhanced Streetscape -Support for improving/maintaining shop fronts -Ensure best presentation of city at key periods -Physical welcome at all entry points
BID PROJECT (6) BUSINESS SUPPORT -Insurance -Trade Waste /Recycling -Press/Media Buying -Recruitment -Networking -Awards -Start up assistance / Attract Investment -BID as a lobbying organisation for businesses
BENEFITS OF A BID -Business performance up -Business costs down -Business Control and Accountability -Proper business planning -Achievable Projects -Realistic Funds -Maximum Value for Existing Services -Additional Funding -No Freeloading Bedford BID saw increased retail in sales by 3.5% in the first five- year term. BID Leamington saw footfall up by 4.4% year-on-year. New West Company drive total Retail and Leisure sales up by 5.5%.
BENEFITS OF A BID BIDs can also drive business costs down through collective buying schemes i.e. trade waste, insurance, advertising etc. Bath BID saved £285,000 pa for 300 small businesses by centrally negotiating waste management contracts. Camden BID saved businesses an average of £430 per year on recycling. Since the launch of the Ealing Broadway BID scheme in November 2009, the local business community saved a total of £434,712.
THE NEWRY BID PILOT SCHEME: -One of 7 BID test areas in NI -NI BID Academy -BID Project Manager -Funded by NMDDC and DSF -Survey -Consultation Period -BID Open Nights -BID Newsletter -BID ‘Vote Yes’ Campaign -BID Ballot for Newry: October
NEWRY BID STUDY AREA: PLUS BUSINESSES -51 STREETS -COMPOSITION: Retail Office Financial Food and Drink Leisure TOTAL RV: 26 million Levy? 1.5% of RV
1.Improved Marketing, Profiling, Better Promotions 2.Accessibility 3.Supporting our Businesses 4.Improved Physical Environment 5.Safe and Secure You say...
WHAT WILL IT COST? To calculate your annual BID levy based on a 1.5% charge, divide your rateable value (RV) by 100 and multiply by 1.5. For example: RV £5,000 / 100 x 1.5= £75 BID levy RV £10,000 /100 x 1.5= £150 BID levy RV £50,000 /100 x 1.5= £750 BID levy RV £250,000/100 x1.5= £3,750 BID levy RV £500,000/100 x1.5 = £7,500 BID levy
If you had £370,000 to spend on improvements, how would you spend it?
On the basis of what you heard here today, would you vote YES or NO for a Newry BID?