WORK PACKAGE 1 The project starts with the preparation for the initial meeting in Finland (Partner 4), where the partner group meets for the first time to discuss the project in detail – the work flow, administration, financial regulations, quality management, dissemination and sustainability of the project. Additionally, the development and design of a website to promote SSA-TC project.
WORK PACKAGE 1 The next stage to focus on will be to identify and clearly define the actual training and skills needs across Europe within the tourism and catering sector from the point of view of all the project partner countries represented on this task. There is already plenty of research data available from the recent years which will be effectively used. As part of this project, Turkey (Partner 9) will be assigned an additional task to carry out further research in identifying training needs and skills analysis within tourism and catering sector across Europe.
DELIVERABLE 1: PROJECT MEETING 1 There will be a first project meeting in Finland (Partner 4) which is obligatory for all partners and associated partners to attend. The activities will be as follows: Presentation of all partners Presentation and discussion of all steps including all the work packages and deliverable outcomes (product development, management, dissemination and reporting procedures) Work distribution and organisation for WP1 Agreement on the frameworks of this project Development of a website for SSA-TC project
DELIVERABLE 2: TRAINING AND SKILLS NEED ANALYSIS Each project partner to assess the training and skills need for the tourism and catering sector in their respective countries. Each partner country to highlight the skill shortages, skill gaps and skill mismatches in the tourism and catering sector by reviewing the literature and recent labour market survey reports respective to their country. Project partner Turkey (Partner 9) will be responsible to carry out an independent research survey across the large employers in Europe to determine the training and skill needs. Turkey (Partner 9) will also be responsible to co-ordinate the feedback report produced by each project partner country representatives. There will be an over-arching “training needs and skills analysis” report produced by the end of WP1 to inform curriculum developers and curriculum designers to take into consideration all the human resource issues into the NEW qualification structure for the tourism and catering sector.
WORK PACKAGE 2 The main task related to this work package is the examination and comparison of curriculum and qualifications related to the tourism and catering sector in each of the project partners countries at only Initial and Continuous Vocational Education and Training level. This means qualifications only up to EQF level 4 or equivalent. There will be comparison of qualification titles, duration, curriculum content, entry qualifications, pedagogy methods used, assessment procedures, quality assurance system etc. The purpose of this is to observe the similarities, any gaps and highlight the best practice examples for adoption.
WORK PACKAGE 2 There will be an allocation of time at the first project meeting to kick start this process. The conclusions drawn from this activity will form a solid basis to develop the NEW qualification whilst taking full account of training needs and skills analysis report from WP1. In addition to this work, the project co- ordinator has an exhaustive experience from the recent EU projects such as ECVET-TC, Visions 2020 and STITCH project. The results from these projects and other EU projects related to the topic of ECVET, EQAVET will be taken into account prior to moving onto WP3.
DELIVERABLE 3: EXAMINATION AND COMPARISON OF CURRICULUM This deliverable outcome is the heart of work package 2 which exactly matches the theme. Hence, this deliverable outcome has already been fully described and it will be concurrently accomplished by June 2013.
DELIVERABLE 4: SSA-TC MATERIAL POOL Each project partner will collect the curriculum and qualification at Initial and Continuous Vocational Education and Training level related to tourism and catering sector from their respective countries. They should also gather any best practice examples of training / learning content from their own country for SSA-TC project. Project partners should also present the results of any EU project they have been involved with or are working on which relates to the tourism and catering education and training. The project group will agree on the final selection of materials at the end of this work package.