By: Sydney Becker, Emily Kingery, Leah Baker, and Devon Baird
Symbol: Sn Atomic number: 50 Atomic weight: Melting point: degrees celcius Boiling point: 2602 degrees celcius Density: g/cm cubed Period number: 5 Group number: 14 Group name: n/a Tin is classified as a metal
Tin is a part of the carbon family Physical properties: silver white and metallic looking solid. Gives off a screeching sound when bent -ductile, malleable, durable, soft, non -combustible Chemical properties: Not affected by water or oxygen at room temperature. At a higher temperature, with oxygen it forms tin oxide. Tin does not rust, corrode, or react in any way. Non-magnetic Luster Hardness: 2 gypsum
Tin has been known since ancient times. We do not know who or when it was found. It is mentioned in the Old Testament. The symbol (Sn) comes from the Latin word “stannum.” “Tin Cry” is the sound that it makes when it is bent. “Tin Pest” is the condition in which white tin suddenly transforms into gray tin at a very cold temperature. Tin cans obviously used to be made of tin, but now they are made of steel with just a thin layer of tin. Tin is found primarily in the earths crust. 2 types of tin- White tin and Grey tin. Tin is mentioned in Numbers, Isaiah, and Ezekiel.
Though tin is a metal, it is actually lightweight. Others metals are usually heavier. Long lasting if kept well maintained. Tin was once used to wrap foods but then replaced with aluminum because it tended to leave a “tinny” after taste.
Uses as tin-plating of iron to protect the latter from corrosion - or coating other metals to prevent corrosion Tin and its alloys are used in jewelry. Gutters Fire protection on wooden doors
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-Blank, Wayne. “Tin.” Daily Bible Study. Web. 19 Oct Kolvalchik, Kara. “Tin Foil.” Mental Floss. N.p., Web. 19. Oct "Tin." Daily Bible Study. Web. 22 Oct “The Element Tin.” It’s Element. Ed. Steve Gagnon. N.P., Web. 19 Oct. 2014