Political Parties
Democrat vs. Republican Political Symbolism Democrat vs. Republican Donkey The Democratic donkey was first associated with Democrat Andrew Jackson's 1828 presidential campaign. His opponents called him a jackass (a donkey), and Jackson decided to use the image of the strong-willed animal on his campaign posters. Elephant In a cartoon that appeared in Harper's Weekly in 1874, there was a donkey clothed in lion's skin, scaring away all the animals at the zoo. One of those animals, the elephant, was labeled “The Republican Vote.”
Andrew Jackson used a donkey to symbolize his working class roots and ever since the Democrats have been known as the part of the donkey.
Democrat vs. Republican What does it mean to be a Democrat? What does it mean to be a Republican?
Republicans came to be associated with elephants due to the political cartoons of Thomas Nast in 1874.
Democrats Today Today the Democrats are commonly perceived as the party of big government, civil rights, women’s rights, environmentalism, the poor and pacifism (slow to go to war).
Republicans Today! The Republican party today tends to support public policies that limit the size of government and cut taxes. Typically, they also support the War on Terror, are generally opposed to the legalization of abortion (pro-life) and vote against programs to increase the size of the welfare state.
Democrat vs. Republican Large Government Higher Taxes Individual Rights Gay Rights Gun Control Environmental Issues Pro-Choice Small Government Lower Taxes National Security Family Values Favor 2nd Amendment Free Market Capitalism Pro-Life
The Economy and Taxes Democrats Republicans Are generally in favor of large government and a progressive tax system in which the wealthy pay a larger share than the poor Tend to be against international free trade agreements because they claim that such trade agreements hurt American workers and in particular unions Tend to believe in a balanced budget and are willing to raise taxes if needed Tend to make laws to protect American businesses from international competition Republicans Are generally in favor of a smaller government—less regulation Generally for free market agreements with other countries, like NAFTA- North American Free Trade Agreement. Vehemently against raising taxes even if it means a budget deficit Tend to believe in global trade and don’t tend to protect US businesses from international competition
National Defense and Security Democrats Tend to cut the military budget Generally want to avoid American military intervention unless supported by the United Nations Tend to believe in diplomacy and are slow to go to war Republicans Believe in a strong military and are willing to pay for it with government money Believe in confronting American enemies with or without UN support Believe in using military intervention when American interests or security is threatened more quickly than Democrats
Entitlements- Welfare, Medicaid, Social Security, Health Care Democrats Generally think that the government should provide a broad safety net (health care, education, welfare, food stamps) for the poor and others. They generally think these policies help the common good and are compassionate Republicans Generally think the government should limit or reduce the safety net for the poor. They believe that private businesses and non-profit charities can provide the same services
Environmental Protection Republicans Favor fewer restrictions on businesses in the hopes that wealthier companies will be able to be more environmental Many do not believe global warming is a real threat Democrats Favor stricter regulations on businesses to protect the environment Believe global warming is a real threat
Energy Policy Democrats Focus on researching alternative energy sources for the future Republicans Focus on securing existing energy sources for the present and future
Immigration Democrats Favor looser immigration laws Some favor “Amnesty” for illegals already in the country Republicans Favor stricter immigration laws Some favor punishment or deportation for illegals already in the country
Education Democrats Oppose using tax money for school choice (vouchers and charters) Republicans Favor using tax money for school choice (vouchers and charters)
school voucher noun plural noun: school vouchers a government-funded voucher redeemable for tuition fees at a school other than the public school that a student could attend free.
Liberal vs. Conservative What does it mean to be liberal? “Moderate” What does it mean to be moderate? “Conservative” What does it mean to be conservative?
Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King What is a Liberal? Liberals believe that the government should be actively involved in the promotion of social welfare of a nation’s citizens. They usually call for peaceful, gradual change within the existing political system. They reject violent revolution as a way of changing the way things are, often called the status quo. Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King
Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT) is generally seen as a moderate. What is a Moderate? Moderates may share viewpoints with both liberals and conservatives. They are seen as tolerant of other people’s views, and they do not hold extreme views of their own. They advocate a “go-slow” or “wait-and-see” approach to social or political change. Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT) is generally seen as a moderate.
What is a Conservative? People who hold conservative ideals favor keeping things the way they are or maintaining the status quo if it is what they desire. Conservatives are usually hesitant or cautious about adopting new policies, especially if they involve government activism in some way. They feel that the less government there is, the better. They agree with Jefferson’s view that “the best government governs least.” Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-AZ) is widely regarded as the father of the modern conservative movement
The Political Spectrum
Where do they stand on today’s issues?? Left Center Right Where do they stand on today’s issues?? Democrats Republicans Moderate/ Centrist Liberal Conservative Green Libertarian