Waste Generation Stage Secondary Collection & Transportation The Solid Waste Chain Waste Generation Stage Primary Collection Secondary Collection & Transportation Waste Treatment Waste Disposal Bulk Generators: Markets, Institutions, Hotels and Restaurants, Slaughter House Waste, Commercial and Housing Complexes etc. Waste Generation: Households, Commercail Waste, Street Sweeping Waste, Parks, Municipal Waste from Hospitals etc. Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) : Concrete, Bricks, Wood, Glass, Metals, Masonry Waste, partly recyclabe Door to Door Collection Drain Cleaning Sludge Street Sweeping Bulk Collection Community / Collection Bins (DP Containers) / Refuse Compactors / Dhalaos etc. Transfer Station (to economize waste Transportation) Inert Waste Recovery through Physical Screening Biologocal Treatment: Aerobic Composting Anaerobic decomposition such as Biomethanation Thermal Treatment: Incineration Gasification etc. Recovery of Recyclable Waste Disposal at Sanitary Landfil Manufacturing Building Materials (Eco-Bricks) Glass, Plastic, Paper, Metals Compost, Energy Energy Product
Up-to Date Technology Options Ward or Zone Level: Waste Generation – Collection – Secondary Storage Transfer and Transportation Municipal or regional: Treatment & Disposal Facility segregate reduce keep clean keep segregated facilitate work keep clean keep segregated facilitate work processing of biodegradables RDF / incineration - waste to energy sanitary landfill collect efficiently keep segregated http://www.eai.in/ref/ae/wte/typ/clas/msw.html http://clearimpression.wordpress.com/2010/09/08/wasted-rules/ Sustainable Solid Waste management in India, Ranjith Kharvel Annepu Source: Toolkit for Solid Waste Management, JNNURM, MoUD, November 201/ Source: Toolkit for Solid Waste Management, JNNURM, MoUD, November 201/ Sustainable Solid Waste management in India, Ranjith Kharvel Annepu Source: Toolkit for Solid Waste Management, JNNURM, MoUD, November 201/ http://clearimpression.wordpress.com/2010/09/08/wasted-rules/ http://www.itrimpianti.com/public/userfiles/files/Foto%203%282%29.jpg Source: Toolkit for Solid Waste Management, JNNURM, MoUD, November 201/ http://www.doppstadt.com/uploads/pics/ersatzbrenn_gross.b286ddf7_01.jpg http://www.indiaenvironment.org/what_we_do.html composting at home or ward Source: WBI Development Studies: Improving Municipal Solid Waste Management in India, The World Bank (2008); Source: Toolkit for Solid Waste Management, JNNURM, MoUD, November 201/ http://www.window.state.tx.us/specialrpt/energy/renewable/images/exhibit18-1.png Source: Toolkit for Solid Waste Management, JNNURM, MoUD, November 201/ http://www.window.state.tx.us/specialrpt/energy/renewable/images/exhibit18-1.png http://thealternative.in/environment/solid-waste-management-for-apartment-complexes-a-bangalore-workshop/ Source: WBI Development Studies: Improving Municipal Solid Waste Management in India, The World Bank (2008); http://nilgiris.nic.in/solid_waste.html Source: WBI Development Studies: Improving Municipal Solid Waste Management in India, The World Bank (2008); http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0956053X08000901 http://newindianexpress.com/cities/bangalore/article1274383.ece#tabs-275876-1 segregating recyclables http://www.untereisesheim.de/uploads/pics/Recyclinghof_01.jpg decentralized recycling depot http://www.palfinger-india.com/pr_india_offering.html http://pastfoundation.org/previous-programs/2006Garbology/images/SWACO_Landfill_Poster.jpg art.com/dinodia-enterprises/house-keeping-janitorial-services.html
Elected Representatives City Sanitation Task Force How to organize MSWM? ULB overall responsibility Elected Representatives Framework: Goals, policies, strategy, bye-laws, approval of charges and fees Annual planning: approval of plans, supervision Executive Level Planning, management, contracting Supervision City Sanitation Task Force Preparation and supervision of implementation of MSWM Plan, benchmarks Medium Level Day-to –day management and supervision of all tasks related to MSWM Customers SWM Zone I SWM Zone II SWM Zone X Transport Treatment Disposal Monitoring Equipment, Workshop can be outsourced Generation Primary Collection Secondary Storage Transportation Treatment Disposal Households, small commercial untis. Door to Door Collection Secondary Storage Trucks Composting Disposal at Sanitary Landfil NGO, Social Business, informal Sector NGO, Social Business other Vehicles Transfer Station Street Sweeping Incineration Bulk Generators PPP with Private Service Company Bulk Collection Decentralized recycling Depot RDF Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) Private Service Company NGO, Social Business Inert Waste Recovery Collection of special Waste Types Segregation, Reduction at Source; Sensitization, Motivation, Participation NGOs, CBOs certified Company Contract with Private Service Company PPP with Private Service Company What can be outsourced?