Pine Tree Council 2015 Popcorn Fundraiser
Welcome to the 2015 PTC Popcorn Fundraiser Tucker Adams Popcorn Staff Advisor Tucker gives opening remarks
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Updates
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Updates Product Dominick
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Updates Product Line Increase Return to Scouting per container Improve value Will showcase a 73% Return to Scouting New artwork promoting Scouting Dominick
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Updates Improved value Caramel with Nuts increases from 18oz to 22oz Chocolatey Caramel Crunch bag in tins/boxes increases from 14oz to 15oz White Cheddar and Jalapeno move to higher- expanding corn Dominick
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Updates Dominick 2014 2015
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Updates Dominick
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Updates Dominick
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Updates Easy turn-key credit card solution Square, a leading provider of mobile credit card processing Transaction fee being negotiated Units sign up through online portal beginning June 1 Free app, easy to download and customize for Trail’s End sale Free readers, PCI compliant, works even without cellular service Units can also track cash and check transactions Dominick Trail’s End and Square are making it easy to grow show-and-sell
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Updates Kickoff Kits Samples (White Cheddar, Jalapeno Cheddar, Premium Caramel with Nuts, microwave pouches) 50 popcorn sale calendars with goal trackers perfect for hanging on the fridge Stickers for scouts to plan their sale on the calendar with parents 50 cards explaining how to sign up to sell online Tips for leaders on doing a great kickoff Dominick Equip leaders to have a great kickoff
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Updates Digital Toolkit Facebook cover and wall images Pre-written, sample tweets and Facebook posts Radio PSAs (:15 and :30) Videos (How to do a great kickoff, selling tips) Postcard templates Online selling how-to postcard/handout Door hanger template Posters Yard sign template Banner template Table tent Thank you cards Product images, descriptions, claims, nutritional info Logo and photos (adventure images as used in packaging) Dominick An entire toolkit at the click of a mouse
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Updates Technology Dominick
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Updates Popcorn System with single sign-on E-commerce improvements New Scholarship website Dominick
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Updates View and download online sales without having to log in to online system (Councils & Unit Leaders) Dominick
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Updates Updated look and feel for all users, clearer call to action Scouts send customized emails from their account Easy way to see current year’s sales vs. prior year Training and Step-by-step instructions for using the site Mobile responsive – easier to use on a mobile phone or tablet Ability to upload email addresses and store within site Sale notifications for Scouts, leaders & councils Ability for Scouts to text their personal link, as well as share via email, Facebook & Twitter Ability for Scouts promotional materials available Dominick
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Updates Online selling incentives Selling online is easier, and now it’s worth even more Extra incentive for scouts to sign up Sign up and be entered to win a $10 gift card (500 total) Must be registered in system by September 30 Unit leaders have more reason to drive online sales Unit receives $50 gift card for $2,000+ in online unit sales Dominick
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Updates Scholarship Website Scouts & Councils can view and update scholarship information Scouts: Update account information, view statement (sales broken out by year and total balance), submit enrollment and sales information Councils: Approve enrollment and sales, view Scout statements, and see reporting of totals at the council level Dominick
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Updates Marketing Tools
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Sale Planning Volunteer
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Why Sell Popcorn? Funding Programs Volunteer
“Experiencing the BEST program year you’ve ever had” Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 “Experiencing the BEST program year you’ve ever had” DREAM BIG Volunteer
DREAM BIG Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Steps For Unit Success: Plan out the program year. Build the budget. Set the Goal. Communicate the plan. Execute the plan. Volunteer
It’s About Program Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 “Ideal Year of Scouting” Popcorn is simply the vehicle to ensure that all Scouts have an “Ideal Year of Scouting” Volunteer
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Unit Kickoff Volunteer
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Unit Kickoff This is often the first gathering of the new program year for Scouts and parents, so MAKE IT A FUN EVENT! Conduct games, have snacks, offer door prizes, etc. Review all the activities planned for the upcoming program year. Review the costs for every activity and the cost for the year. Review the sales goal for every Scout and demonstrate how a Scout can earn his own way. Volunteer
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Unit Kickoff Review the different selling methods Show-n-Sell Show-n-Deliver Take Order Online selling Review the safety tips Never sell alone. Always sell with an adult and/or with a group. Never enter anyone’s home. Do not sell after dark. Always stay on the sidewalks and driveways. Never carry large amounts of cash. Volunteer
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Unit Kickoff Informing parents of benefits to their Scouts; A Scout earns his own way Goal setting Program planning Money management Salesmanship Persistence Communication Trail’s End scholarship program Time Savings: One fundraiser a year Funding your Scout’s Ideal Year; No out of pocket expenses Healthier product; zero grams of trans fat Volunteer
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Sales Approaches Volunteer
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Sales Approaches Show-n-Sell Have Scouts set up in front of a store and sell. Book locations many weeks in advance Scout go door to door with product delivered the same day. Product in car or wagon. Works well with Take Order in case Scout runs out of certain product. Take Order Scouts use order forms to sell to family, friends, and neighbors Online Selling Sell to friends and family far away Visit for more Volunteer
Trail’s End Popcorn 2015 Scout Incentives & Unit Commissions Tucker
2015 Pine Tree Council Product Lineup Tucker
2015 Keller Prize Lineup Tucker
2015 Keller Prize Lineup Tucker
Pine Tree Council 2015 Key Dates September 1st ………………………………………………………..Sale Starts October 29th …………………………………………………………..Sale Ends October 30th …………………………………………………………..Orders Due to Council November 13th-14th……………………………………………Take Order Popcorn Pickup December 1st…………………………………………………………..Money Due to Council
Thank You & Let’s have an Adventure of a Lifetime