Where We Go Wrong In Heat Exchangers Dick Hawrelak Presented to ES317Y in 1999 at UWO
Introduction 3% of large property damage losses are caused by failures in heat exchangers. Average Trended Loss was $24MM, the second lowest of all unit operations.
Exchanger Problems The following list of problems have been drawn from my personal experience as a design engineer with Dow Chemical for 33 years (1960 - 1993).
Poor Mass Balances Normal mass balance. Start-up, shut down or upset. Recycle conditions.
Fouling Rd = (Uc - Ud) / (Uc)(Ud) Corrected LMTD for Uc. Rd build-up versus time not well known. Cleaning versus spares.
Pressure Drop Many variables affect pressure drop. Nozzle sizes, baffle spaces, tube dia., tube length, no. tube passes.
Selection Poor reboiler selection. Many configurations - which one to select?
Heat Transfer Poor understanding of design parameters in HTRI or HTSF. Pressure drop versus heat transfer area. Which steam pressure or refrigerant should be used?
Temperature Profiles Partial condensers temperature profiles with inert gases are difficult to model. Good VLE data hard to obtain.
Mechanical Design High RHO-V-SQUARE on inlet shell nozzle can rupture tubes. Impingement plate design not well defined. Tube vibrations with long tube spans. How to join tubes to tubesheet?
Maldistribution Shell side maldistribution with small window cuts. Tube side maldistribution with low tube side pressure drops. How do you design a Chinese hat?
Acoustics Shell side geometry can cause acoustic vibrations. May require tuning baffles.
Entrainment Kettle exchanger design depends on entrainment calculations. Entrainment levels often ignored on mass balances. See Shell Size v1.2
Expansion Joints. Avoid expansion joints at all costs. No. flexes per hour usually unknown. Paper clip example.
Recirculation Problems Low Recirculation due to inert build-up in shell, high condensate level, tube resistance, low liquid level in column. Low recirculation promotes fouling and unwanted heavies production.
Thermosyphon Layout
Previous Exam Problem The students were presented a paper on Union Carbide’s Seadrift, Texas, EO tower explosion. They were asked to comment on the explosion with respect to what they had learned in this safety course. Heat exchanger design played an important role in the explosion.
Other Possible Exam Questions In an exchanger, what type of joint must be avoided in construction? What is the problem of this type of joint? List four mechanical problems in exchanger design.
Summary This short list is indicative of some of the problems caused by poor engineering discipline in heat exchanger design. Recommend you obtain a copy of the Chemical Plant Design programs and follow the procedures built into the exchanger spreadsheets.