Christian SAUBLENS Brussels, 3rd of June 2013
It’s an alternative to the lack of access to banks and equity providers It offers access to early stage finance in different forms: ◦ Loans: peer-to-peer lending ◦ Equity investment ◦ Pre-purchase or rewards of new/innovative products and services ◦ Donation: local, social, societal, … entrepreneurship It’s trendy: the wave of social media and e- economy is reaching a wide audience
1. Added value for players a)For entrepreneurs ◦ Money on more favourable terms ◦ Low transaction cost ◦ Getting market feedback ◦ Getting more than money: advice b)For crowd investors ◦ Emotion ◦ «Hands-on» on their money ◦ Interaction with the entrepreneur c)For other investors (B.A., V.C., banks, …) ◦ Part of the diligence is already made ◦ Business model ◦ Market reaction ◦ Improved early stage funding situation ◦ Openess of the entrepreneur to external investors 2. Risk No delivery of the pre-order No exit for the equity investor What if crowdfunding manager dissappears with the funds? What if the crowdfunding platform funds «strange» projects?
2012: 2.7 billion US $ for 1 million projects through 600 platforms Donation & reward: 52 % Loans: 44 % Equity: 4 %
Build the right legal/administrative environment: exemption to financial regulation when small amount, ethical, consumer protection Support the start-up of platforms just like any other start-ups: for example Symbid Signposting crowdfunding platform to entrepreneurs in search of external funding: visibility in the «regional» support services value chain Co-investing alongside crowdfunding platform {Goteo by the Catalonian regional government} just like private investors do {B.A., V.C., university spin-off, …}
Imagine the power for new types of entrepreneurs, i.e. e-(solo)entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs, DIY entrepreneurs, amateurs-innovators, … crowdfunding e-commerce platform FabLabs Co-working hubs Access to money and market intelligence Access to the e-world market Access to prototyping & customised equipment
EURADA Avenue des Arts 12, bte 7 / B-1210 Bruxelles / BELGIUM –