Spanish War and Regions of Spain By: Justin White
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Choose which you want to learn about first! After learning about both options, take the quiz! Spanish Civil War! Spain’s Regions! Quiz time! Go To War! View Spain’s Scenery and Learn about It’s Culture! Take the Quiz!
Watch this video to get a brief summary the Spanish Civil War!
Spanish Civil War Click on a date to learn more about what happened! 1936 (July & August) 1936 (Oct.-Nov.) 1937 Battle for Guadalajara 1937 Battle for Bilbao 1937 (Battle for Gijon) 1939 (Battle for Barcelona) 1938 (Advance on the Mediterranean Sea)
Why did the Spanish War start? Used to be one of the world’s most powerful countries They started to go downhill because of corruption Held elections about new form of government Republicans barely beat Nationalists Propaganda used during the Spanish Civil War
1936 (July)-Start of the War Some Morocco and Spain militants rose to revolt against Spain’s new republic. Francisco Franco took control of Morocco’s army. Hitler aids the rebels, and Stalin aids the Republic. German and Italian planes airlifted Franco’s army to Spain. Offensive begins in Estremadura. Francisco Franco ( )
Would you have tried to make negotiations or stop the rebels before they gained aid and power?
GREAT ANSWER! I think that negotiating with or stopping them early before they were powerful could have prevented the war entirely or at least postponed it until the rebels gained more allies.
1936 (October-November) Nationalists, Germany, and Italy recognize Franco as Spain’s real leader. Russian aid arrives to Spain, arming them with tanks and aircrafts. Republican government fled from Madrid to Valencia. Tank used during the Spanish Civil War
Battle for Guadalajara Borders Madrid, Spain’s capitol Russian tanks and aircraft surprised Italian offensive, forcing them to retreat Republic recaptured several cities Franco abandoned the idea of capturing Madrid after this decisive defeat City of Guadalajara, Spain
If you were in Franco’s position, would you have abandoned trying to take the capital before conquering the rest of the country?
GREAT ANSWER! I think it is wiser to slowly conquer the country rather than going straight for the most fortified part!
Battle of Bilbao Bilbao was called the “iron ring” because of it’s strategic defenses Lost due to aerial bombing
Battle for Gijon Last remaining Republican stronghold in the North City fell to the Nationalists on October 21 st Nationalists gained control over the entire North coast of Spain City of Gijon, Spain
Nationalist Advance on the Mediterranean Coast Goal was to split Spain into two parts Started March 9 th and by April 15 th, the Nationalists had achieved their goal Worked well because they gave the Republic no time to rest between battles
Battle for Barcelona Last battle of the war Nationalists started on outskirts of Catalonia after splitting Spain in half Not much resistance Barcelona surrendered Jan. 26 th. Franco declared the war was over April 1 st Tanks in Madrid after their Surrender
Spain’s Regions
Click on a black star to learn about the region that it is located on! When you have you finished learning about all the regions, click the icon below to go back to the homepage!
Madrid Spain’s capitol since 1562 Geographic center of Peninsula (Including Portugal) Surrendered to Franco in March of 1939 Madrid in 1939
If you were part of the Republic in Spain, would you have willingly surrendered after Barcelona’s defeat?
GREAT ANSWER! Spain’s republic did not really have many other options. The country had been split in two, and the last major city had fallen.
Estremadura Nationalist offensive began here Poorest region in Spain Very mountainous Popular area for hikers and bird watchers Typical landscape of Estremadura
Castilla La Mancha and Castilla y Leon Most major battles of the Spanish Civil War fought here like the Battle of Guadalajara Heart of Spain Originally combined with Madrid and it was called Castile Cold dry winters and hot dry summers Mix of mountainous regions and flat areas One of the big vineyards in Castilla La Mancha
Basque Country and Navarra Natives speak Spanish and Euskera Battle of Bilbao took place in this region Many National Parks. Basque Country Scenery
Would you like to visit Basque Country and Navarra? Why or why not?
I can understand the reasoning behind your answer. Excellent! Personally, I would love to visit those two territories to see their nature because I love sight seeing and hiking!
Asturias Battle of Gijon was fought here Last Northern region to fall to the Nationalists Natives speak Asturian and Spanish Called part of “Green Spain” due to it’s beautiful nature and coasts Small town off the coast of the Asturias region
Valencia Nationalists ended their “Advance on the Mediterranean Coast” in Valencia’s region Natives speak Spanish and Valencian Valencia, Valencia’s capitol, was never conquered by the Nationalists, although it surrendered to them with the rest of the nation Mediterranean Coast in Valencia Region
Catalonia Ending point of the Spanish Civil War Battle of Barcelona Natives speak Spanish and Catalan Richest region in Spain Sunset in Barcelona, Spain
If you lived in Spain, would you want to live in a poor area with beautiful nature or a rich area with big cities? Why?
I understand the reasoning behind your response. Excellent! Personally, I would rather live in a poorer area with more nature because I love to be around and surrounded in nature.
Quiz Time! Click on the letter of the correct answer to advance. If you choose the incorrect answer, you will be redirected to the slide with the answer and given another chance.
Question 1 Where did the Nationalist offensive begin? A. Valencia B. Estremadura C. Barcelona D. Madrid
1936 (July)-Start of the War Some Morocco and Spain militants rose to revolt against Spain’s new republic. Francisco Franco took control of Morocco’s army. Hitler aids the rebels, and Stalin aids the Republic. German and Italian planes airlifted Franco’s army to Spain. Offensive begins in Estremadura. Francisco Franco ( )
Correct! Great job! The offensive began in Estremadura in July of 1936!
Question 2 What language is spoke in Catalonia other than Spanish? A. Valencian B. French C. Catalan D. Euskera
Catalonia Ending point of the Spanish Civil War Battle of Barcelona Natives speak Spanish and Catalan Richest region in Spain Sunset in Barcelona, Spain
Correct! Great job! Keep up the good work!
Question 3 What battle ended the war? A. Battle of Barcelona B. Battle of Gijon C. Battle of Guadalajara D. Battle of Santander
Battle for Barcelona Last battle of the war Nationalists started on outskirts of Catalonia after splitting Spain in half Not much resistance Barcelona surrendered Jan. 26 th. Franco declared the war was over April 1 st Tanks in Madrid after their Surrender
Correct! The Battle of Barcelona took place in later After the city fell, Madrid soon surrendered!
Question 4 The advance on what sea split Spain into two parts? A. Baltic Sea B. Red Sea C. Mediterranean Sea D. Pacific Ocean
Nationalist Advance on the Mediterranean Coast Goal was to split Spain into two parts Started March 9 th and by April 15 th, the Nationalists had achieved their goal Worked well because they gave the Republic no time to rest between battles
Correct! Great job! The Nationalists ended their operation in the Valencia region off the coast of the Mediterranean Sea!
Question 5 What language other than Spanish is spoke in Navarra? A. Castillan B. Valencian C. Catalan D. Euskera
Basque Country and Navarra Natives speak Spanish and Euskera Battle of Bilbao took place in this region Many National Parks. Basque Country Scenery
Correct! Great job! Keep up the good work!!
Question 6 Which area has a lot of national parks? A. Madrid B. Barcelona C. Valencia D. Basque Country and Navarra
Basque Country and Navarra Natives speak Spanish and Euskera Battle of Bilbao took place in this region Many National Parks. Basque Country Scenery
Correct! Good job! Many people visit Navarra and Basque Country to hike and see their beauty!
Question 7 Which type of terrain is found throughout all of Estremadura? A. Plains B. Mountains C. Tundra D. Grass Lands
Estremadura Nationalist offensive began here Poorest region in Spain Very mountainous Popular area for hikers and bird watchers Typical landscape of Estremadura
Correct! Great job! Estremadura is known for it’s mountainous territory and is popular amongst bird watchers and hikers!
Question 8 What is the language, other than Spanish, spoke in Valencia? A. Catalan B. Euskera C. Valencian D. Castillan
Valencia Nationalists ended their “Advance on the Mediterranean Coast” in Valencia’s region Natives speak Spanish and Valencian Valencia, Valencia’s capitol, was never conquered by the Nationalists, although it surrendered to them with the rest of the nation Mediterranean Coast in Valencia Region
Correct! Great job! Keep up the good work!
Question 9 Where was the last Northern stronghold conquered by the Nationalists located in Spain? A. Gijon B. Bilbao C. Galicia D. Madrid
Battle for Gijon Last remaining Republican stronghold in the North City fell to the Nationalists on October 21 st Nationalists gained control over the entire North coast of Spain City of Gijon, Spain
Correct! Good job! Gijon, in the Asturias region, was the last Northern stronghold to fall to the Nationalists.
Question 10 On what day was the Spanish Civil War officially declared to be over? A. March 3 rd, 1939 B. February 27 th, 1939 C. April 1 st, 1939 D. December 21 st, 1938
Battle for Barcelona Last battle of the war Nationalists started on outskirts of Catalonia after splitting Spain in half Not much resistance Barcelona surrendered Jan. 26 th. Franco declared the war was over April 1 st Click on the left arrow to review more or click the right arrow to advance to learn about Spain’s regions! Tanks in Madrid after their Surrender
Correct! Great job! Francisco Franco declared to the world that the war was over on April 1 st, 1939.
This concludes my presentation over Spain’s regions and the Spanish Civil War. I hope you enjoyed it and learned valuable information!