Research Methods Ass. Professor, Community Medicine, Community Medicine Dept, College of Medicine.
Be able to identify different types of research design. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of research design. Be able to design, conduct specific type of research design. 2 Research Methods-Sherzad Ali Ismael- MODULE 4: Formulating the research design & Data collection methods
Science: knowledge about the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world and society based on facts”. (Oxford Dictionary) Scientific method : “an approach to the acquisition of new knowledge” 3 Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research
Research is “a systematic method of finding solution to a problem” (Kothari, 2004). The systematic method consisting of stating the problem, formulating a hypothesis, collecting the data, analyzing the facts & reaching certain conclusions. 4 Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research
To get a degree. To solve a problem. To get familiarity with a phenomena. Determine the frequency with which something occurs. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 5
6 The question The research process The answer
Population: an entire body of people to which the researcher would like to generalize research findings. Samples: a segment of the population. Number of individuals (cases) are called sample size. Research Methods-Sherzad Ali Ismael- MODULE 4: Formulating the research design & Data collection methods 7
Independent variable: a variable that brings a bout change in another variable. (i.e. the cause) Dependent variable: is the outcome of the study that is changed by the independent variable Research Methods-Sherzad Ali Ismael- MODULE 4: Formulating the research design & Data collection methods 8
Case study: Includes either a single case (a case record) or a small number of cases (case series). Each case is discussed in details. The subject of the cases may be a person, an organization, a situation or a country. Examples: ▪ Studying a case or a group of cases after Laser eye surgery. Research Methods-Sherzad Ali Ismael- MODULE 4: Formulating the research design & Data collection methods 10
Survey: Refers to the collection of information from a group of people belonging to a population of interest to make assumptions about that population. The population of interest can be patients, learners (students), researchers or colleagues. Collect quantitative data that are analyzed quantitatively using descriptive and inferential statistics. Research Methods-Sherzad Ali Ismael- MODULE 4: Formulating the research design & Data collection methods 11
Experiment: Attempts to discover a cause-effect relationship between two variables. Has two main key elements: ▪ Experimental group.(Subjects exposed to the experimental variable in an experiment) ▪ Control group. (Subjects not exposed to the experimental variable in an experiment) Research Methods-Sherzad Ali Ismael- MODULE 4: Formulating the research design & Data collection methods 12
Example: Randomized controlled trial (clinical trial) Research Methods-Sherzad Ali Ismael- MODULE 4: Formulating the research design & Data collection methods 13
Cross-section. (Collect data at a particular time) often employ the survey methodology (Easterby- Smith et al. 2008; Robson 2002) Longitudinal. (Collect data over time) study change and development (e.g. incidence). Research Methods-Sherzad Ali Ismael- MODULE 4: Formulating the research design & Data collection methods 14 Jan Jun. 2012
Primary scientific paper. Secondary scientific paper A review paper which summarize other paper. Two types: ▪ Narrative review ▪ Systematic review. Research Methods-Sherzad Ali Ismael- MODULE 4: Formulating the research design & Data collection methods 15
Studies not been identified or analyzed in a systematic, standardized and objective way. Provide an update on a certain subject, Written by experts. Research Methods-Sherzad Ali Ismael- MODULE 4: Formulating the research design & Data collection methods 16
Contains a clear statement on objectives. Data sources for the papers are stated as well as the method of selection. Ex: Meta-analysis Composed of: Abstract. Introduction. Methods. Body of the review. Research Methods-Sherzad Ali Ismael- MODULE 4: Formulating the research design & Data collection methods 17
Definition: Critically review research studies and statistically combine their data to help answer questions that are beyond the power of single papers. Sample size. MetaView software. Research Methods-Sherzad Ali Ismael- MODULE 4: Formulating the research design & Data collection methods 18
Research Methods-Sherzad Ali Ismael- MODULE 4: Formulating the research design & Data collection methods 19