DISTRICT INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING (District West ) Baba Phoola Singh Marg, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi
Profile of District West of Delhi DIET Rajinder Nagar caters to the educational needs of West District of Delhi. This district is located in the west direction of Delhi State having District Central in its East, Haryana Border in West, South West & South Districts in South and North West and North Districts in the North direction. For educational management the district consists of West zone, two wards of Karol Bagh zone of MCD and district West A & B under Directorate of Education.
West Delhi The district consists of three Tahsils namely Punjabi Bagh, Patel Nagar & Rajouri Garden. There are 20 Municipal Corporation Wards in District West. It covers an area of 129 sq. kilometers. According to census data (2001), population of District West is lakhs which is at the third rank. It is % of the population of the State.
District West at a Glance
Demographic Profile of the District Population & Literacy According to population data West District is at the 3rd rank out of the 9 districts of Delhi. The population is 15.38% of the population of Delhi. The urban population is 95.98% of total population of the District. Child Population in age group (0-6) is 12.65%. Literacy percentage of District West is compared to % of the entire state. The male literacy rate is % and the Female literacy rate is 77.87%.
Population and Literates by residence and sex Child Population up to 14 years
Sex ratio and Population Density Sex ratio is 830 females per 1000 males as compared to 848 in 1991, which shows the decreasing trend of male-female ratio. District West has population density of which has shown an increase from as per 1991 census. It’s quite high in comparison to Delhi state.
Elementary Education Scenario Schools in District West Enrolment Ratio
Teachers in District West
Transition Rate Primary to Upper primary-82% Children Enrolment
DURC and CRCs A new structure has been created by UEEM to facilitate the work of SSA. At district level a District Urban Resource Centre (DURC) has been established in the DIET premises headed by two Co-coordinators (DURCCs). There are 20 Cluster Resource Centres (CRCs) in District West under DURC. Each CRC is headed by a coordinator (CRCC).Each cluster consists of schools.
Achievements Pre-Service Teacher Education Activities Result of ETE Trainees ( batch) -100% No. of trainees appeared =145 No. of trainees passed =145 Ist- Div =142 (98% ) IInd Div=03(2% )
PSTE Activities Conducted Orientation Programme for New Entrants on with the objective to enable them to adjust to the new environment and to orient them about the functioning of DIET and SCERT. Morning Assembly with the special feature of presentation of thought for the day by trainees
PSTE Activities Conducted School Experience Programme (SEP) – to in 24 Sarvodaya schools Micro teaching exercises and demonstration of Model lessons in teaching subjects were organized from to Schedule placed at annexure Organisation of Parent Teacher meetings, conducting Community Survey, preparation of School profile, Survey on Mid day meal scheme and Work experience related activities, Action Research &Case study were done by the trainees
PSTE Activities Conducted Assessment of Trainees under SEP Trainees were assessed on a five point rating scale containing 20 items Principals of schools also assessed their performance in schools Assessment by 2 other faculty members Assessment on the basis of all work done at the school
PSTE Activities Conducted School Experience Programme Report presentation ETE Ist and IInd year trainees also shared their experiences in the morning assembly from 7 th January to 25thJanuary 2009.
PSTE Activities Conducted Literacy Week Celebration On the occasion of International Literacy Day (8th September 09) DIET Rajender Nagar celebrated Woman Literacy Week. In this week following competitions were organized Literacy Flag Hoisting & Group Song- Poster Making-Slogan Writing, Debate,- Group Song-Nukkad Natak-Essay Writing - Poem writing-Small Story writing
House Activities: - Black Board Writing -Chart & Poster Making -Mehandi Competition -Rangoli Competition -Drawing Competition -Literary Competition -Creative Writing Competition -Maths Quiz -Science Quiz
Workshops organized for ETE trainees Orientation cum workshop on Teaching of English was organized for ETE I year trainees from 5th to 9th Oct Workshop on Theatre in Education was organized for ETE II and I year trainees from An Orientation Programme on School Adolescent Education, YUVA, for ETE II year trainees was organized in September A one day workshop on gender sensitization for ETE I year trainees was also organized from 28th Jan to 4th Feb 2010.
Workshops organized for ETE trainees A three day Orientation-cum-workshop was organized for ETE II year trainees on Inclusive educationwWith the help of organization ‘Muskaan’ An Orientation on Action research for ETE II year trainees was organized on 29th and 30th Oct A workshop on Work experience related activities (Clay work, Jewellary work, Paper toys and Jute work) for ETE II year trainees was organized from 30th Jan to 5th Feb 2010.
One day Orientation cum workshop was conducted for ETE trainees on Climate Change with the Resource Persons Mr. Arif and Mr. Manish from Mirambika
Educational Tours Suraj Kund Craft Mela on International Book Fair on Jim Corbett National Park and Nainital Gandhi Museum National Science Centre 0n
Festival Celebration Lohri, on Makar Sankranti on Republic Day on Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti on 5th January 2010
INSET Programmes organised Training of Resource persons (Master Trainers) on YUVA-SLP Training of TGTs and PRTs, Total=5462 Teachers Capacity Building Programme for Cluster Resource Center Coordinators and District Urban Resource Center Coordinators of Distt West Training of Community Leaders, Total=1344
INSET Programmes organised contd.
Progress of Research Projects Analyses of Supervisory Observations under SEP Status of Use of Educational Technology in Schools under SEP Status Study of implementation of Mid-Day Meal Programme at School / Zonal level / State level
Progress of Material Development Khel Vidhi Dwara Ganit Shikshan Compilation of ‘Thought for the day’ presented by the ETE Trainees in DIET assembly. Development of Folder on Vermicompost
Innovations during Development of locally relevant textual material through visits to Craft Mela, Craft Museum,Book Fair etc. Production of films on visits to different places like- National Science Centre, Gandhi Mesuem,Suraj Kund Mela Production of filmson Activity based learning
Proposed INSET Programmes S.NoName of target organization No of centers No of Prog. of 50 participant s each DatesNo of Particip ants Subject 1.DOE st cycle 2nd cycle 3rd cycle 12/5/10 25/5/10 26/5/10 8/6/10 12/6/10 3/6/ Hindi, Maths, Natural Sc., English, S.Sc.& Home Science 2.MCD st cycle 2nd cycle 4/10/10- 15/10/1 0 27/12/1 0 7/1/ Content & Methodology in teaching of Hindi, Maths, English, Science and S. Sc.
S.N. Target Organization No of Cente rs No of Programmes of 50 Participants each DatesNo of Partici pants Subject 3.CRC Cordinators 1 1 (22) 6/9/ /9/ Planning & Mgt.of CRCs 4. Head of schools (MCD) 14 (50, each) 20/9/ /9/ Edu. Planning & Admn. 5.Pr. Teachers MCD + DOE (selected) 1 1 (30)5/7/ /7/ Action Research 6. Training for new teachers DOE 44 (50, each) 12/4/ /4/ Induction Training 7. Teachers (misc) of DOE 2 2 (50,each) as per need 105Content& Methodolog y
Proposals for Research projects( ) Study of Teachers’ Perceptions for developing sensitivity towards Environment in EVS curriculum at Primary Level A Study of Health Status of Students of DOE and MCD Schools of Distt. West Content Analysis of EVS Textbooks (NCERT), classes III – V in context to the sensitivity towards the environment Role of Foundation Courses in Preparing Caring, Reflecting and Effective Teachers.
Material Development Projects ( ) Development of book on Right to Education Videography of effective teaching of Teachers Publication of DIET magzine Compilation of Action Research Report s
Proposals for other Activities Organisation of Programme Advisory Committee Organisation of Research Advisory Committee Establishment of Resource Centre for Theater and Cinema as Learning Tool
Special Programme Development of Resource Center in Theatre and Cinema as Tools of Learning Developing infra structure for setting Resource Centre on Theater & Cinema as learning tool Development of basic skills in Cinema Screening of films followed by discussions Production of films for their use in Pre- Service & In-Service Training Programmes