Strong Body Flow
This class is a fusion athletic workout, which combines the mind/body practices of yoga and pilates, as well as the principles of stretch, strength training, conditioning and dynamic movement. This class is a fun challenging workout where you will burn calories, tone muscles, and work on balance. During this class you will find your self in a yoga pose one minute, and down on the floor in a pilates pose the next Strong Body Flow
Flow is a pre-choreographed class constructed to help participants gain strength, core stability, agility, and flexibility. This class uniquely blends not only pilates and yoga, but also sports training, core conditioning, dance, stretch, and athletic drills. Strong Body Flow
Although this may sound daunting, Flow is carefully designed with natural progressions and modifications to facilitate participation from people of all fitness/experience levels. Strong Body Flow
Class Format Warm-up Heat Building Strength Core Stretch Final Relaxation Strong Body Flow
Warm-up. A basic warm-up is the first section that introduces participants to the moves and flow of the class. Heat Building. The heat building section is just what it sounds like. A more intense warm-up that really starts working. Strength. The strength sections are the core of the flow workout. This is where you really get your heart rate up and when the work happens. Core. Focusing on the core through a variety of movements that are pilates based. Stretch. The stretch section is made up of a combination of yoga poses to continue to increase range of motion. Final Relaxation. The class ends with an enlightening few moments of relaxation, where you simply lay and focus on your breathing. Strong Body Flow
Flow is a hybrid, athletic workout, which combines strength training, conditioning and dynamic movement. Strong Body Flow
What is Dynamic Stretching/Movement? The short definition of dynamic stretching is “stretching as you are moving”. The momentum of a movement to complete its extension of the muscle groups. Arm circles, leg raises with momentum and walking lunges are all common examples of dynamic stretching. A dynamic stretch takes a specific movement and makes it a stretching activity, either by deliberate extension of the limb and corresponding muscle groups, or through other precise ranges of motion. Strong Body Flow
Stretching is an important element of an exercise routine because it prepares your body for the workout, improves range of motion and flexibility and reduces the risk of injury. Increased flexibility from stretching makes it easier to perform daily activities while improving your range of motion enhances your coordination and balance Strong Body Flow
Dynamic stretching involves repeatedly performing challenging stretches that do not force the muscle past a comfortable range of motion. Each movement in a dynamic stretch is controlled and requires more coordination than static stretching due to the repetitious motion. These rhythmical movements are incorporated into the warm-up and through out the routine. Dynamic stretching should be smooth and intentional, while gradually increasing the range of motion Strong Body Flow
Why people love flow Its unique and fun I sweat Full body workout My upper body has never been stronger I have improved my balance Easy to follow Gets my heart rate up while I improve my flexibility….great combination Strong Body Flow
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