QUARTERLY REPORT 1 st Quarter 2012/13 April – June 2012 BRANCH : Rights of Children and People with Disabilities UNIT: Children’s Rights and Responsibilities 8/10/2015 1
PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE 2 To facilitate and coordinate the mainstream and advocacy of Children’s Rights considerations into Government’s policies and governance processes through the development and promotion of the National Plan of Action for Children and annual advocacy campaigns in partnership with government and other stakeholders. To coordinate and facilitate an integrated approach to the promotion of capacity building and institutional support to enable key stakeholders in the sector to participate and contribute more efficiently and effectively in mainstreaming and monitoring of children’s rights at all levels of government and civil society. To monitor, evaluate and report annually on the realization of children’s rights in line with the Constitution, national, continental and international obligations 8/10/2015
3 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 1 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Corrective Actions To mainstrea m Children’s Rights considera tions into Governm ent’s Policies and Governan ce Processe s National Plan of Action for Children (NPAC) developed Departmental reports Draft NPAC finalised Chief Director Achieved The Draft NPAC has been finalised.The consultations with DG Clusters are planned for the month of July, discussions in the DGs’ Social and G&A Clusters have been secured for 18 and 19 July. Provincial consultations are to follow next. The Provincial ORCs were taken through the NPAC draft document to facilitate understanding and insight into the document. 8/10/2015
4 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 1 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Corrective Actions To mainstre am Children’ s Rights consider ations into Governm ent’s Policies and Governa nce Processe s Integration of mainstreaming strategy into policies and governance processes facilitated Mainstreami ng strategy approved Chief Director Partially Achieved The CRR attended session on the 14 th June 2012 where provincial ORC’s were taken through the children’s mainstreaming strategy in line with the out come approach to facilitate the understanding of the mainstream approach To make further inputs into the Departmental Mainstreaming Strategy, contributing towards its completion 8/10/2015
5 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/outpu t 2012/13 Quarter 1 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Corrective Actions To mainstre am Children’ s Rights consider ations into Governm ent’s Policies and Governa nce Processe s Sanitary Dignity Programme coordinated Integrated strategy for the sanitary dignity campaign developed Chief Director Achieved The integrated strategy has been fine- tuned and various departments, DTI, DSD, DBE are on board to ensure training of coops as well as the procurement of machines. Communication was started with the Regional Commissioner for a visit to the production plant of DCS for experiential learning 8/10/2015
6 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 1 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Corrective Actions To mainstre am Children’ s Rights consider ations into Governm ent’s Policies and Governa nce Processe s Number of Social Campaigns coordinated One Social Campaign Concept Document and Campaign Plan for Child Protection Week finalised and implementati on coordinated with DSD Chief Director Achieved: The unit coordinated a very successful child protection week where the emphasis was on addressing violence against children. 8/10/2015
7 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 1 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Corrective Actions To mainstre am Children’ s Rights consider ations into Governm ent’s Policies and Governa nce Processe s Number of Social Campaigns coordinated (National children’s Day, international children Day and the Day of the African Child commemorate d/celebrated) 1 social campaign concept document and campaign Plan for child protection week finalised and implementat ion coordinated with DSD Chief Director Achieved Collaborated with DSD on the opening and closing of CPW. DWCPD in partnership with Google South Africa launched the Online Child Safety and Protection project for children. Child participation and self advocacy strengthened International Children’s Day celebrated as part of CPW Chief Director Dialogue on prevention of violence against children was held at the Filadelfia school, and in Soweto involving 650 learners. 8/10/2015
8 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 1 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Corrective Actions To Monitor and Evaluate the Mainstreami ng of Children’s Rights Considerati ons into Government Policies and Governance Processes Comprehensive children’s rights M+E Strategy developed M+E diagnostic study completed Chief Director: M+E Achieved Comprehensive M+E report available Indicators for ECD reviewed and monitored Report on existing integrated ECD plan analysed Chief Director: M+E Achieved DWCPD participated in the development of the new ECD Diagnostic Review and is part of the Steering Committee to develop the new ECD plan 8/10/2015
9 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 1 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Corrective Actions To Monitor and Evaluate the Mainstreami ng of Children’s Rights Considerati ons into Government Policies and Governance Processes UNCRC 2013 periodic country report, ACRWC report and Optional Protocols reports finalised Consultations with national departments conducted CD:CRR: M&E Achieved Consultations were conducted with national departments on 14 June. Consultation was also conducted with Chief Directors of nine key departments on 27 June. 8/10/2015
10 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 1 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Corrective Actions To Monitor and Evaluate the Mainstreami ng of Children’s Rights Consideratio ns into Government Policies and Governance Processes Indicators for monitoring violence against children developed National Study on Violence against Children including Child murders/ killings completed CD:CRR: M&E Achieved The Violence Study report was completed. See evidence.. One comprehensive report on Progressive Realisation of Children’s Rights compiled NoneCD:CRR: M&E NoneThe report will only be compiled in the 4 th quarter 8/10/2015
11 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 1 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Corrective Actions To provide an integrated approach for institutional support and capacity building for the realization of children’s rights into government policy and programmes, civil society and the private sector Machineries convened National Children’s Rights Machinery Convened DirectorNot AchievedThe Children’s Rights Machinery could not take place due to activities around the Child Protection Week and finalisation of Terms of Reference for the Machinery The Children’s Rights Machinery is planned to take place in the second Quarter on 3-4 September 2012 Strategy for mainstreaming children considerations in integrated public service delivery coordinated Capacity building framework for mainstreaming of children consideration into all government programmes finalised DirectorPartially achieved The draft framework is available Minimal capacity in the unit ( only one official) in the unit The draft Framework will be refined in the second quarter Child Friendly Cities/ Communities initiatives for realisation of children’s rights facilitated and coordinated in three municipalities Child Friendly Cities/Commu nities Model implemented coordinated in one municipality DirectorPartially Achieved The draft Child Friendly Cities/Communiti es model has been developed and the municipalities are identified Financial resources not yet finalise with German Bank and National Treasury DWCPD to engage the partners to fast- track the process 8/10/2015
12 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 1 Target Responsible Manager Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved) Reason for Variances (partially or not achieved) Proposed Corrective Actions To provide an integrated approach for institutional support and capacity building for the realization of children’s rights into government policy and programme s, civil society and the private sector Institutional Framework Developed Draft Institutional Framework consulted nationally DirectorNot AchievedCapacity constraints/sub programme managed by one Director. Inputs into the departmental Institutional Framework will be consulted with the Children’s Rights Machinery planned for 3-5 September /10/2015
NPAC draft document approved by top management and Minister for further consultation NPAC draft document presented at DGs’ Social and Governance and Administration Clusters, Departments, ORCs and Child Care and Protection Forum Children’s Rights Unit’s version of the Mainstreaming Strategy shared with Departments and ORCs in line with the outcome approach for the inputs Integration of disability issues into the Sanitary Dignity Campaign Working Document and the document consulted /shared with ORCs for inputs 8/10/ MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS
Partnered with Presidency and DSD for the opening of the child protection week presided over by the President, specifically prepared for the children who presented to the President. ( ) Forged Partnerships with DSD and the Free State Province to host the closing of the Child Protection Week in Qwa-Qwa with the Minister fully participating in the programme and DWCPD providing sponsored gifts for the children at unfunded ECD centres. Forged Partnerships with Google SA and other Stakeholders to launch the “Online Child Safety and Protection”. A resounding successful event in advocating for the protection of children in cyber space. Coordinated and facilitated the hosting of the Day of the African child on the 1 st of June 2012 at Filadelfia school where DM’s, MEC’s and portfolio committee members as well as councillors attending for purposes of providing support as this was identified as the school of “shame” by the media. 8/10/ MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS
15 First Draft UNCRC report compiled and shared with Departments for additional inputs on gaps and required statistics. A technical meeting with Chief Directors from National Departments to guide them on the UNCRC processes and submission of inputs was successfully implemented. Conducted Validation Workshop on the Diagnostic Review 03 May 2012
SUPPLIMENTARY PROJECTS (Adhoc Activities) 16 Participated at the Minister’s request to the International Commission on Population Development on Adolescents and Youth during April 2012 in New York. Participated at the consultation meeting from13-15 June 2012 organised by Plan International in Addis Ababa regarding the exchange of legal instruments and other mechanism to address harmful traditional practices. Participated in the National Children’s Day in Turkey that was organised by the country to host the African countries to share cultural experiences 8/10/2015
17 Budget Report Item2Budget ExpenditureBalance Compensation of EmployeesR R R6 292,690 Goods and Services Travel Fees Catering Cell Contract Event Promoter Toiletries Dom: Accommodation, Daily Allowance Lease Payment Car Rental Road Transport Kitchen Appliance Foreign: Daily Allowance Foreign Air Transport _ R R R R _ R R R R R R R R R R R R421 R174 R R R R R1500 R R _ R R R R _ R R R R R8 500 R R TOTAL Expenditure for Good & Services : R