Water Quality in the Caddo Lake Watershed Caddo Lake Water Quality Cypress Creek Clean Rivers Program
Monitoring Station Types Routine monitoring is used to follow trends and to identify water quality changes in the major watersheds. Systematic monitoring is a screening tool used to detect potential concerns. Typically placed on the smaller streams. Biological monitoring is a key factor. Special study monitoring projects are located and designed to address a specific concern.
Water Quality Parameter Sets Field –Temperature –Dissolved Oxygen –Conductivity –pH –Secchi Depth Diel Sampling Conventional –Suspended Solids –Dissolved Solids Chloride Sulfate Hardness Alkalinity –Nutrients –Ammonia, Nitrate & Organic Nitrogen, Phosphorus –Chlorophyll –Bacteria
Other Sample Sets Metals in Water and in Sediment –aluminum, arsenic, chromium, copper, nickel, silver, zinc, barium, molybdenum, selenium, iron, and manganese Habitat & Biological –Fish & Macroinvertebrates (Benthics)
Average Annual Inflow to Caddo Lake During 1979 – 2004
Black Cypress Bayou Station pH Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l) Average 6.4 Average 7.0 Median 6.4 Median 6.6 Range (71) Range (72) Chlorophyll a g/l) Average 7.65Median 5.00 Range (65)
DO 24HR Min DO 24HR MaxDO Range DO 24HR Average Station /18/ /24/ /21/ /06/ /04/ /08/ /03/ /08/ /11/ /19/ /13/ /06/ Average0.35.8
Nitrogen (mg/l) Station Nitrate + Nitrite Nitrate Average Median Range (26) (38) Ammonia TKN Average Median Range (65) (34)
Total Phosphorus (mg/l) Station Average Median Range (66) (25)
Little Cypress Bayou Station pH Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l) Average Median Range (157) (154) Chlorophyll a g/l) Average 6.66Median 5.00 Range (65)
DO 24HR Min DO 24HR MaxDO Range DO 24HR Average Station /2/ /3/ /4/ /2/ /1/ /4/ /3/ /24/ /25/ /13/ Average0.54.8
Nitrogen (mg/l) Station Nitrate + Nitrite Nitrate Average Median Range (68) (22) Ammonia TKN Average Median Range (122) (109)
Total Phosphorus (mg/l) Station Average Median Range (122) (20)