Retrospective Review of a Rejuvenation Program in the Management of Cancer Victor A. Marcial-Vega, MD San Juan, Puerto Rico April 2013
Presentation Overview n Patient Population n Treatment Protocol n Results n Conclusions
Patient Population n May 1998 to February 2001 n 48 Cancer patients n 8 Patients Excluded from analysis n Evaluation of 40 patients
Patients excluded from analysis n 7 patients less than 5 days of treatment n 1 patient had chemotherapy n Total 8 patients
Patient Population 40 Cancer Patients n 33 Stage 4(2 had AIDS) n 3 Unbiopsied patients
Patient Population 40 Patients n 1 Stage 1 Ewing’s Sarcoma n 1 Stage 3 Squamous Neck n 1 Stage 2 Breast n 1 Stage 1B Hodgkin’s
Patient Population n Six patients failed conventional therapy chemotherapy, radiation or surgery n All had progressive disease n No patient was on concomitant chemotherapy, surgery or radiation
Baseline Studies n Symptoms described by the patients n Present or Absent(1 or 2) n Treatment response(%)
Baseline Studies n CBC, chemistry panel n Tumor markers(CEA, serotonin) n CAT or MRI scans of tumor n Direct tumor measurements
Baseline Studies n High Resolution Blood Imaging indicates: n Free radical activity n Parasites, bacteria, fungi n pH
HRBI Setup
Treatment Program n Initial Program 5 days a week/ 3 weeks n Optional-Maintenance Program 5 days a week/1 week monthly
Environment n Aromatherapy n Music n Removing shoes or surgical booties over shoes n House environment
Treatment Protocol n Nutritional Supplementation n Intravenous Vitamin C (+ or - EDTA) n Ozone/Hyperthermia showers
Treatment Protocol n Hydromassage(daily 30 min) n Massage Therapy(1 hr 2x week) n Respiratory Biofeedback(30 min. daily)
Treatment Protocol n Steambath/aromatherapy n Observation(Meditation) and Prayer n Daily monitoring by physician
Treatment Protocol n Exercises to develop a practice of stillness, relaxation and focus n Use of books, videos, music,counseling
Intravenous Therapy n Vitamin C 20 grams n Vitamins B1, B6(100 mg), B12 (1000ug) n Sterile water(250 cc) n EDTA 2-6 cc(3g/21cc )
Intravenous Therapy n Three times a week n 20 gram weekly increases until 70 grams or tolerance is reached n Dose range grams
Treatment Protocol n All components of the program promote being still and quiet. n All components of the program provide an opportunity for meditation and prayer
Ozone/Hyperthermia Showers n 5 days a week n 1/2 hour treatments n degrees Fahrenheit
Results n Age Range 8-80 years Median 56 years n Median Follow-up 18 months n Analysis on 40 patients
Patient Subgroups n (A) 33 completed 3 weeks of protocol n (B) 5 completed 1 week n (C) 2 had no ozone/hyperthermia
Survival n 33/40 alive at time of report(2002)(83%) n Alive and well or recuperating n (A) 19/33 = 57% n (B) 2/5 = 40% n (C) 0/2 = 0% n Total 21/40= 53 %
Initial Response n More than 50% response n Within 3 weeks n (A) 25/33= 76% n (B) 3/5 = 60% n (C) 1/2 = 50% n Overall = 72%
18 months results n No tumor after multiple recurrences 2/33 n Complete Response 6/33 n Partial 6/33 n Total 14/33=42%
Symptoms n Improvement in 80% first 2 weeks n Sustained at 5 months in 50%
RESULTS n Symptoms always precede tumor response n Initial improvement seen first in sleep, energy level, emotional well being
Results n All patients that respond start looking and feeling better n Protocol is rejuvenating
Side Effects n 2 patients- vitamin C caused malaise. Resolved in 10 minutes after stopping infusion n 1 patient- chills from infected catheter n 1 patient- skin pimples
Prognosticators n Not worrying n A feeling of certainty this program is for them n Ambulatory and able to take care of self n Patients always get worse when these factors are not present
Prognosticators n Travel time less than 35 minutes 80% response n Travel time more than 35 minutes 20% response
Prognosticators n The addition of ozone/hyperthermia has improved our results from an initial response of 20% in stage 4 cancer to 79%
Conclusions n Rejuvenation Program will yield an initial response rate of 79% in stage 4 cancer n 18 month response is 36%
Conclusions n Response needs to be measured with symptoms as well as tumor regression since these always precede physical signs of response
Conclusions n Survival is 53% n CR in 6/33 patients=18% n 2/2 AIDS related cancers in complete remission n 1 CR Stage 3 lymphoma n 1 CR recurrent T4 SCC RMT n 1 CR Multiple Myeloma n 1CR Endometrial CA Stage 4
Future Directions n Develop a physician network in the world that will use ozone/hyperthermia n Add the use of colonics n Continuing beyond 3 weeks
Future Directions n Start managing stage 1 and 2 cancer patients with an integrated non-toxic program n Implement as part of anti- aging programs worldwide n Mind-Body-Spirit Counseling