Digital Signatures Presented by Olga Shishenina
2 Outline Cryptographic goals Message Authentication Codes (MACs) Digital signatures RSA digital signature Elliptic curve digital signature Comparison of ECDSA and RSA signature
3 Symmetric-key ciphers: Block ciphers Stream ciphers Public-key ciphers Cryptographic Goals Cryptographic goals ConfidentialityData integrityAuthenticationNon-repudiation Message authentication Entity authentication Arbitrary length hash functions Message Authentication codes (MACs) Digital signatures Authentication primitives Digital signatures MACs Digital signatures
4 Non-repudiation Alice Bob m is a signed message s is a valid signature for m m, s Alice denies her signature if she finds: m’ ≠ m : s is valid signature for m’
5 Message Authentication Codes MAC f(x, key):{0,1}* {0,1} n knowing x and key f is easy to compute it is infeasible to calculate f(x, key) without the key MAC are often block cipher based message m, secret key k specification of block cipher E MAC (m) = E( m, key ) MAC (m) = E(hash(m), key )
6 CBC-based MAC algorithm E key 0 X 1 (n bit) E key X 2 (n bit) h1h1 … h2h2 E key X t (n bit) h t-1 H = MAC Optional output transformation h 1 = E key (x 1 ) h i = E key (h i-1 x i ), 2 ≤ i ≤ t Algorithm CBC-MAC INPUT: data x; specification of block cipher E; secret MAC key for E OUTPUT: n-bit MAC on x n bit h 1 (n bit) h 2 (n bit)
7 Use of a MAC message MAC algorithm messageMAC Secret key Unsecured channel Signer MAC verification algorithm Secret key Verifier Ok / not Ok Used to provide Data integrity Message authentication
8 Digital Signatures Scheme Used to provide Data integrity Message authentication Non-repudiation message Signing algorithm messagesignature Signer’s private key Unsecured channel Signer Signature verification algorithm Signer’s public key Verifier Ok / not Ok
9 Difference between MAC and digital signature To prove the validity of a MAC to a third party, you need to reveal the key If you can verify a MAC, you can also create it MAC does not allow a distinction to be made between the parties sharing the key Computing a MAC is (usually) much faster than computing a digital signature Important for devices with low computing power
10 RSA signature algorithm
11 RSA Developed in 1978 by Rivest, Shamir and Adleman (RSA) Most popular public key cryptosystem Based on the hard problem of “integer factorization”
12 Key-Generation for RSA(1) 1.Generate two large random distinct primes p and q, each roughly the same size 2.Compute n = pq and 3.Select random integer e: 4.Compute unique integer d: 5.Public key is (n, e); Private key is d
13 Key-Generation for RSA(2) Usually numbers with the right bit length are chosen randomly and tested for primality Statistical tests are used to determine the probability that these numbers are primes i.e. Strassen – Test Miller – Rabin – Test There is always an insignificantly low chance that number is not prime
14 Used notation M is a set of elements, called the message space = Z n M S is a set of elements, called the signing space = Z n R is a 1 to 1 mapping from M to M S, called the redundancy function M R is the image of R: {y| y = R(x), x Є M} R -1 is the inverse of R : M R M
15 RSA signature generation and verification To sign a message A should : Compute: where R(m) is a redundancy function Compute: A’s signature for m is s To verify A’s signature and recover m, B should : Obtain A’s authentic public key ( n, e ) Compute: Verify that ; if not, reject the signature Recover
16 Proof that signature verification works Euler’s theorem:, where is the Euler’s function of n If s is a signature for m, then: Since, then: Finally:
17 RSA signature example Alice p =5 q =7 n = 35 φ(n) = 4·6=24 e = 5; d : ed = 5 d =1 mod 24 => d = 5 Public key: ( n =35, e =5) Private key: d =5 M = [0, n -1] For all m Є M R(m)=m m = 26 ; R(m) = 26 s = 26 5 mod 35 = 31 Bob: R(m) = 31 5 mod 35 = 26 Є [0, n-1] m = R -1 (m) = 26
18 Possible Attacks on RSA signature Integer factorization If an adversary is able to factor n, then Multiplicative property of RSA If, then s is valid signature for m: Hence, to avoid this attack R must not be multiplicative, i.e.
19 Performance characteristics n=pq, where n is 2 k -bit, p&q – k -bit primes takes bit operations Verification is significantly faster that signing if e is chosen to be a small number, e.g. It is not recommended to restrict the size of d
20 n=pq, where n is 2k -bits, p&q – k -bits primes ISO/IEC 9796 R: To sign a kt -bits message m: Divide m = m 1 || m 2 || m 3 ||… || m t and sign each block individually one transmits 2kt bits. Sign a l -bits hash( m ), l ≤ k. Then one transmits kt+2k bits. ( kt – to transmit the message) If t > 2, then kt+2k < 2kt 2k bits Short vs. long messages m k bits
21 The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)
22 Elliptic curves (EC) over the reals A non-singular EC is the set E of solutions to the equation together with a special point O, where has three distinct roots
23 An EC over the reals y 2 = x 3 – 4x 4a b 2 = -256
24 Addition – Geometric Approach Chord-and-tangent rule P + Q = R, P ≠ Q Point doubling P + P = 2 P = R x y (x 1, y 1 ) = P Q = (x 2, y 2 ) R = (x 3, y 3 ) x y P = (x 1, y 1 ) R = (x 3, y 3 ) -R = (x 3, -y 3 )
25 Addition – Algebraic Approach E is elliptic curve over the reals 1. ( is the identity element ) 2.If P
26 Galois Fields (Finite Fields) GF (q) Is a set of elements ( G, +, *) that satisfy certain arithmetic properties Finite Field exists iff q is a prime power If q = p, p is prime {0, 1,..., p - 1 } are the field elements ADDITION: MULTIPLICATION: INVERSION:
27 Elliptic Curves Over Finite Fields Over GF(p), p is prime, p > 3 Elliptic curve E equation where E consists of all pairs satisfying curve equation special point - point at infinity
28 Example 1: elliptic curve over GF(23) p = 23 The points in E are and the following: (0, 2) (0, 21) (1, 11) (1, 12) (4, 7) (4, 16) (7, 3) (7, 20) (8, 8) (8, 15) (9, 11) (9, 12) … 28 points + = 29 points Let’s consider (4, 7) = 72 = 3 (mod 23) 49 = 3 (mod 23)
29 Basic Facts Let E(GF(q)) be an EC over GF(q) The points of E(GF(q)), form a group under addition Hasse’s theorem: Number of points on E (group order): If #E is prime then the group is cyclic and If #E has a prime factor, that there exists a cyclic subgroup
30 Example 2: elliptic curve over GF(23) p = 23 The points in E are and the following: P = (0, 2) 2P = (13, 12) 3P = (11, 9) 4P = (1, 12) 5P = (7, 20) 6P = (9, 11) 7P = (15, 9) 8P = (14, 5) 9P = (4, 7) 10P = (22, 5) 11P = (10, 5) 12P = (17, 9) 13P = (8, 15) 14P = (18, 9) 15P = (18, 14) 16P = (8, 8) 17P = (17, 14) 18P = (10, 18) 19P = (22, 18) 20P = (4, 16) 21P = (14, 18) 22P = (15, 17) 23P = (9, 12) 24P = (7, 3) 25P = (1, 11) 26P = (11, 14) 27P = (13, 11) 28P = (0, 21) 29P = O 30P = P 29 points
31 ECDSA parameters setup Create (random) public abstract groups Domain Parameter Generate: Complex & public. DP often taken from published list. Domain Parameter Validate: Easy & public Key Pair Generate: Easy & private. Key Pair Validate: Easy & public.
32 ECDSA Domain Parameters Domain parameters D = (q, a, b, G, n, h) Field size q, q = p or q = 2 m Coefficients a, b in GF(q) of E=E a,b (GF(q)): Seed s of length ≥ 160 bits (Optional) Base point G=(x G, y G ) on curve E, i.e. Order n of G: n is prime, Cofactor h : #E(GF(q)) = hn
33 Curve parameters generation(1) Input: GF(p), p is prime Output: seed, curve coefficients a & b Used notations: Hash algorithm g > 160 bits W0W0 v-1 bits Arbitrary SEED 160 bits hash(z + 1)hash(z + 2) … hash(z + s) (v-1)+ s·160 < log 2 p bits W0W0
34 Curve parameters generation(2) if abort and start again 3. Choose a,b 4. Result: y 2 = x 3 + ax + b if Exclude singular curves
35 Isomorphism classes of ECs(1) E 1 : y 2 = x 3 +a 1 x +b 1 and E 2 : y 2 = x 3 +a 2 x +b 2 are isomorphic Step 3: Choose a,b There only 2 variants for a and b on step 3
36 Isomorphism classes of ECs(2) Let’s prove that there are precisely 2 choices for (a, b) on step 3 : We can find a 1, b 1 and a 2, b 2 : We can not find a 3, b 3 : E 3 is not isomorphic to E 1 or E 2
37 Domain Parameter Generation Domain parameters D = (q, a, b, G, n, h) 1.Generate EC coeffs a & b E ( GF(q) ): y 2 = x 3 + ax + b 2.Compute #E( GF(q) ) (e.g. Schoof’s algorithm) 3.Verify that, n is prime, 4.if not, go to step 1 5.Verify that if not, go to step 1 6.Verify that n≠q if not, go to step 1 7.Select an arbitrary point Set Repeat until
38 Alice(signer) Key pair D = (q, a, b, G, n, h) Key generation: 1.Select random d: 1 ≤ d ≤ n-1 2.Q = d·G Q(x Q, y Q ) is public G is private Bob(verifier) (D, Q) Q is valid or not??? Key validation: Check that: 1.Q ≠ nQ = 5.If any check fails -> Q is invalid else -> Q is valid
39 Bob Parameters D = (q, a, b, G, n, h) Alice’s public key Q Alice’s signature (r, s) on m To sign message m: 1.k randomly chosen 0 < k < n-1 2.k·G = (x 1, y 1 ) r =x 1 mod n 3.if r = 0 abort and start again 4.e = SHA-1(m) 5.s = k -1 · ( e + d·r) mod n 6.if s = 0 abort and start again Output: (r, s) ECDSA generation & verification Alice Parameters D = (q, a, b, G, n, h) Associated keys (d, Q) Proof that signature verification works: To verify signature (r, s): 1.check: 1 ≤ r ≤ n-1, 1 ≤ s ≤ n -1 2.e = SHA-1(m) 3.w = s -1 mod n 4.u 1 = e·w mod n u 2 = r·w mod n 5.X = u 1 ·G + u 2 ·Q, if 6.X=(x 1, y 1 ) v = x 1 mod n 7. D, Q, m, r, s
40 Ordinary DLP Definition: Given: prime p, generator g of GF(p), non ‑ zero element y GF(p), Find: the unique integer k, 0 k p – 2: y g k (mod p) k is called the discrete logarithm of y to the base g Known attacks The most efficient: Index Calculus Method O( )
41 Elliptic Curve DLP Identified in 1985 – Koblitz and Miller suggested using it in place of DLP Definition: Given: EC E defined over GF( q ), point PE( F( q ) ) of order n, point QE( GF( q ) ), Determine: the integer l, 0 l n – 1: Q = lP Arises in groups defined on EC Hard Problem Only exponential algorithms known
42 Known Attacks on ECDLP Pollard’s Rho Algorithm O( ) Parallelized Pollard’s Rho O( ) r is the number of processors used Precautions: Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm O( ) Precautions: Menezez-Okamoto-Vanstone (MOV) O( ) Precautions: No index calculus method found
43 Pollard’s Rho Algorithm(1) To find k where Q=kP, and n is the group order: Use a pseudo-random walk through the group Start at a known point When a collision occurs, we can find k Because there is not enough room to store all visited points, we only store distinguished points (points with some distinguishing property, such as the first i lower order bits equal to zero).
44 Pollard’s Rho Algorithm(2) The random walk is defined as: Where the S i are three sets of points (e.g. S i may be points such that x mod 3 i ), and the r i are randomly chosen.
45 Pollard’s Rho Algorithm(3) R 0 is chosen to be a known multiple of P and Q. For each iteration, R i+1 is found, and also what multiple of P and Q it is. When a collision occurs, we have:
46 Pollard’s Rho Algorithm(4) The number of iterations is With this approach, the path of the pseudo-random walk depends on Q. There is no precomputation. Calculations from previous ECDLP’s are of limited usefulness in subsequent ECDLP’s, because collisions are only detected for distinguished points.
47 Duplicate-Signature Key Selection An adversary Selects arbitrary c: Computes: Forms: AliceBob Adversary E D, Q, m, r, s D E, Q E, m, r, s Proof of work:
48 Key Size Comparisons Sym. key: 80, 112, 128, 192, 256 ECC n: 161, 224, 256, 384, 512 RSA n: 1024, 2048, 3072, 7680, 15360
49 ECDSA Advantages Elliptic curves offer a much shorter key length than RSA. There are some environments where 1024-bit RSA can not be implemented, while 163-bit ECC can. No subexponential-time algorithm is known for the EC discrete logarithm problem.
50 Discussion ???
51 Exercises(1) Does this equation define an EC over GF(17)? y 2 = x x + 5 Do the points P(2,0) and Q(6,3) lie on the elliptic curve y 2 = x 3 + x + 7 over GF(17)? What are the negatives of the following elliptic curve points over GF(17)? P(5,8) Q(3,0) R(0,6) In the elliptic curve group defined by y 2 = x 3 + x + 7 over GF(17), what is P + Q if P = (2,0) and Q = (1,3)?
52 Exercises(2) Suppose that p > 3 is an odd prime a, b Є GF( p ) Further suppose that has 3 distinct roots in GF( p ) Prove that the corresponding elliptic curve E is not cyclic
53 References Don Johnson, Alfred Menezes, The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature, February A. Menezes, P. van Oorschot, S. Vanstone, Handbook of Applied cryptography, CRC Press Douglas R. Stinson Cryptography, Theory and Practice, CRC Press
54 Elliptic Curves Over Finite Fields Over GF(2 m ) Elliptic curve E equation where E consists of all pairs satisfying curve equation special point - point at infinity
55 Example 2: elliptic curve over GF(2 4 ) Generator polynomial f(x) = x 4 + x + 1 The points in E are and the following: 15 points + = 16 points
56 Addition – Algebraic Approach E – elliptic curve over GF(2 m ) 1. 2.If P
57 Curve parameters generation Used notations: Input: prime p Output: seed, curve coefficients a & b Algorithm: 1.Choose a bit string seedE: g = |seedE| ≥ 160 bits 2.H = SHA-1(seedE) 3.z = (int) seedE 4.For i from 1 to s do: s i = (z+i) mod 2 g W i = SHA-1 (s i ) 5. 6.r = (int) W, if r = 0 or 4r + 27 ( 0 mod p ) go to step 1 7.Choose a,b 8.The elliptic curve is: y 2 = x 3 + ax + b 9.Output (seedE, a, b) H 160 bits W0W0 v-1 bits W0W0 W1W1 … WsWs W =
58 Alice domain D = (q, FR, a, b, G, n, h) D is valid or not? D validation: Check that: n is prime AND n > #E ≠ q If any check fails -> D is invalid else -> D is valid Domain Parameters Validation Bob domain D
59 Verifying the order of an EC Hasses’s theorem: Hence, check implies that Also since: Hence if:
60 Potential CA Services POP - Proof of possession of private key. Can use zero-knowledge proof. PKV - Public Key Validation shows public key makes arithmetic sense. POP and PKV can be considered duals of each other. Doing both provides strong assurance.
61 Security Considerations Per-message secret k: Repeated usage of k: Check: 1 ≤ r ≤ n-1, 1 ≤ s ≤ n -1 To verify signature (r, s): 1. check: 1 ≤ r ≤ n-1, 1 ≤ s ≤ n e = SHA-1(m) 3. w = s-1 mod n 4. u1 = e·w mod n u2 = r·w mod n 5. X = u1·G + u2·Q, if 6. X(x1, y1) v = x1 mod n 7.
62 Attacks on Hash function SHA-1 Preimage resistance hard to find x: H(x) = y Collision resistance hard to find x 1 and x 2 : H(x 1 ) = H(x 2 ) If not preimage resistant One can forge signature: Calculate parameters r, s, e, m : e = SHA-1(m), where (r, s) is valid signature for m If not collision resistant One can repudiate messages: Generate m’: SHA-1(m) = SHA-1(m’)
63 Signature Forgery Signature Forgery A forgery is a signature computed without the signer’s private key selective forgery: an adversary is able to create a valid signature for a particular message chosen a priori existential forgery – an adversary is able to forge a signature for at least one message