by Megan Passmore
Learn archery and improve on the skill Be able to consistently shoot in the center of the target
Learned to handle, hold, and chose archery equipment Started shooting at a distance of 10 meters [24 inch diameter target] Practiced aiming and aiming consistently in the center of the target [10 points per arrow]
“X” Points range from 1-10 from outer circle to inner circle
Moved up to shooting at a distance of 20 meters [24 inch diameter target] Got my own bow Learned to improve posture and technique -ex. anchor, feet stance, bow hand, and follow-through
Anchor Feet Stance Follow- through
Continued to practice and improve aiming and posture Improved archery score so by now I’ve received all pins for short-range target [50, 100, 150, and 200 points]
110 rounds 33 arrows per round HHighest possible score = 300 points RRARE MMy highest score so far is 2232
Practiced with different arrows to determine which will be the best for me Learned to relax my bow arm to avoid slapping my arm with the bow string
Dry-Firing Shooting an unloaded bow Can break bow string, break the limbs, or shatter the entire bow Locked Bow Arm Causes the string to smack your forearm and leave welts/bruises To fix, slightly relax/bend your arm
Got new/used arrows in replace of using rentals Continued to practice weekly and improve aiming and posture
Got my own brand new arrows Learned the parts of an arrow Earned my pin for scoring at least 150 points at the 20 meter range
Parts of an Arrow Different Arrowheads For indoor shooting, I use field tips
Received my pin for getting a score of at least 200 points at the 20 meter range [6 pins total] Continued to practice and improve my score weekly
Focused on slowly down and taking time to aim properly Practiced weekly and reflected on everything I’ve learned in the past 8 months
Participate in future competitions Get an archery license to be in competitions Continue to attend my archery classes (J.O.A.D) and get at least a score of 250 on the long range [24 inch diameter target] Move up to shooting at a smaller target [12 inch diameter]
Works Cited "BearCreekArchery Home." BearCreekArchery Home. Web. 08 Sept "Tanglewood Archery Home." Tanglewood Archery. Web. 08 Sept Hickey, Roger. "Archery Equipment." Interview. Mike Schultz. Beginner Classes for All Ages. Denver: Mike Schultz, Print. "No Limits Archery." No Limits Archery. Web. 08 Sept Shultz, Glenn. "Archery." Interview. Shultz, Mike. "Archery. Interview. Shultz, Mike. Beginner Classes for All Ages. Thornton: Print. Springer, Dale. "Archery." Interview. Tanglewood Archery, Thornton, CO.