The Status of Early Childhood Care and Education By Tirussew Teferra et al.
Objectives of Research Project Identify relevant policy issues on early childhood care, education and development in Ethiopia. Identify the current status of Early Childhood Education in Ethiopia in terms of resources, practices, strengths, and weaknesses. Introduce cost-effective and cultural sensitive strategies of promoting early childhood care and education towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Propose a framework of early childhood care and education having implications for policy development.
Research Method Desk Research Consulting literature focusing on available local literature and policy documents on ECCE in Ethiopia Field Survey Conducting a study to map-out the conditions of early childhood care and education across regions
Survey Sites & Data Sources All the 11 Regional States Addis Ababa, Oromiya, Amhara, Tigray, Afar, Somali, Harari, Drie Dawa, Benishangul-Gumuz, Gambela and SNNP Data Sources Regional bureau Experts and supervisors (FGDs) ECCE Teacher training Institutes Heads and teachers (FGDs) Early Childhood Care and Education (65 centers) Directors (36) Teachers (250) Parents (222)
Instruments of data ollection Questionnaire Focus Group Discussion Interview Participant Observation
Findings Desk Research Study Studies in early childhood care and education are scanty and fragmented The importance of early childhood care and education was well pronounced back in the early 17 th Ethiopian philosophers Policy analysis Education and training policy Health policy Social policy Family code policies and the Ethiopian constitution
Survey Result Early child care and upbringing practices Harmful practices Milk teeth extraction, uvuloctomy, tonsillectomy, female genital mutilation, mutilation of the skin in the forehead and eyebrow of their babies. Prevalence of corporal punishment at home and in schools Employing approaches such as yelling,deploring, cursing, terrifying & chastising for shaping children’s behaviors In most of the Ethiopian cultures, young children are not encouraged to discuss with adults even about their own matters. Limited role of fathers in in early child care
Survey Result cont… Useful practices Breastfeeding is widely practice even during the time of toddlerhood Strong emotional attachment/physical contact with the mother The involvement of the neighborhood in child care Availability of stories, games and indigenous story telling- playing skills. The role of the extended family in sharing child care Prevalence of useful/educative proverbs for early care and education
Survey Result cont… Early Childhood Education (ECE) Types ECE Private (middle and upper class families ) Public ( middle class families) Faith-based ( middle and upper class families ) NGO-based (low income families & orphans) Community-based (middle class) Accessibility & location 2.7% of the age cohort have accesses Children with disabilities don’t have access Urban based & most of them are expensive
Survey Result cont… Nature of Teaching-Learning in ECEs Curriculum (reading, writing, adding, counting etc.l ack of standard guide line) Teaching methodology ( teacher centered, play p Second language (undermines mother tongue) Teaching-learning materials (England, India, Kenya etc.) Teachers’ profile (diversified)
Survey Result cont… ECCE Teacher Training Institutes Profiles of trainers Quality of training Graduates’ employability & salary Career track development opportunity
Implications of the Study Suggested a holistic policy framework of Early Childhood Care and Education in Ethiopia., which among others focuses on: Integrated efforts by sector ministries including Education, Health, Labor & Social Affairs, Ministry of Women Affairs. The set-up ECCE- Integrated National Office at National, Regional and District "Woreda" levels. ECCE program that addresses the cognitive, psychosocial, cognitive health and safety of young children.
Specific recommendations The Ministry of Education should coordinate operational standards and ensures that every child has the opportunity to have access to early childhood education before he or she joins formal education. In order to realize this the following measures are suggested Open early childhood education programs under the premises of all the primary school s across regions compounds. Encourage and support the community to open or reopen Kebele-level preschools. Neighbourhood Childcare Centres (NCC) rural areas. Undertaking to collect, document and disseminate the indigenous useful practices of educating and caring young children. As well as augment the absence of culturally relevant storybooks, children games, etc in our preschools;
“Today’s investment in children is tomorrow’s peace, stability, security, democracy and sustainable development ” [Africa Fit for Children, May 2001] Thank you !!