Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus Roman Emperor CE
About Claudius He had multiple birth defects that affected his mental/physical development He seemed weak and awkward He was disliked by the Roman People
Taking Office This is the scene when Claudius learned he was the emperor of Rome after the murder of Caligula
Policies Overview Despite his reputation, Claudius had a successful reign as emperor Expanded the Roman Empire Passed laws protecting sick slaves Early advocate of Women’s Rights in Rome Promoted a group of trustworthy slaves to be his cabinet
Foreign Policy Conquered Thrace (south of Danube) and the Kingdoms of Mauretania in North Africa Started the Roman conquest of Britain Greatly expanded the Roman Empire
Policies at Home Believed that a large empire could be well governed His cabinet of freedmen were hated by the senators who wanted the positions One of the first advocates of slave/women rights
Claudius’s Death Poisoned by his wife/niece Agrippina after he agreed to make Nero his heir
Bibliography These Were the Romans Idiot’s Guide to the Roman Empire ml