RPISEC - 08/30/2013Intro Meeting1
Introductions What we do Tools Hands-on hacking Wargames CTFs RPISEC - 08/30/2013Intro Meeting2
President – Markus Gaasedelen Vice President – Jeremy White Secretary – Patrick Biernat Treasurer – Sophia D'Antoine RPISEC - 08/30/2013Intro Meeting3
Teach cyber security Participate in hacking competitions Attend security conferences Get people jobs RPISEC - 08/30/2013Intro Meeting4
IRC – chatting – Windows: mIRC – Linux: irssi RPISEC - 08/30/2013Intro Meeting5
We have a locally hosted IRC server! Chill, chat, ask questions, talk sec, keep in touch, etc eZ mode instructions: Stick with us, and we’ll set you up with a ZNC account down the road (: RPISEC - 08/30/2013Intro Meeting6
IRC – chatting – Windows: mIRC – Linux: irssi ssh – remote login – Windows: putty.exe – Linux: ssh command RPISEC - 08/30/2013Intro Meeting7
Microsoft Bluehat, Reversing – Windows.EXE Reverse Engineering Matasano Crypto Challenges – Cryptography challenges RPISEC - 08/30/2013Intro Meeting8
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CSAW ISTS 64 of them every year RPISEC - 08/30/2013Intro Meeting10
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