15 장 Internet Relay Chat
contents What is IRC? Chatting in mIRC Chatting in Microsoft Chat and V-Chat Chatting in Ircle Chatting in Ircii Starting and Managing a Channel General IRC Tips
What is IRC? Internet Relay Chat –Social banter and interaction IRC Networks –IRC 의 backbone, Interner 에 함께 link 되어 있는 IRC server 들의 groups –EFnet(Eris Free net) –UnderNet( –DALnet(
IRC Servers Widely used Servers –EFnet Servers Irc.magic.ca / irc.colorado.edu –UnderNet Servers Ann-arbor.mi.us.undernet.org Austin.tx.undernet.org –DALnet Servers Irc.dal.net Irc.services.dal.net
IRC Servers( 계속 ) Ports on IRC Servers –Default port 6667 –IRC server ports 는 보통 6660 에서 6670 을 사용 Servers for Kids –Supervision 하에 IRC 를 사용 – 그렇지 못할 때는 Kidlink 를 사용 Kidlink : 15 세 이하를 위한 Global network more information :
channel chat room EFnet : 약 7,000 channel Undernet : 약 5,000 channel Dalnet : 2,300 ~ 3,000 channel Example –Channels for socializing : #teenchat, #friends –Channels for collectors : #coins –Channels for help with IRC itself : #newbies
Channel( 계속 ) 자신이 원하는 channel 에 join 하기 위해 – 먼저 IRC server 에 접속한 후 –Alphabetized 된 list 중에서 선택 Some Recommended Channels –#30plus, #40plus –Playing game 각 channel 은 regular participants 들과 함 께 unique character 을 가짐
IRC Programs and IRC Commands The original IRC programs 은 text- based 인 UNIX programs –irc, ircii –IRC command(/ command) /list : channel 의 list 를 보여줌 /join : channel 에 참여 Wondows and Mac-based IRC S/W –mIRC, Microsoft Chat, V-Chat, Ircle(Mac)
Nicknames and Chanops IRC server 에 접속할 때, 하나의 nickname(or nick) 을 선택 Channel operator –Chanops(channel operator) –Create a topic –Give operator status to others –Kick people off the channel
Netspilts and Lags Netspilts –net 에서 동시에 하나 이상의 server(server 를 사용 하는 사용자와 함께 ) 들이 disappear 되는 현상 –Caused by Overload of users Lags –Message 가 server 에서 net 에 도달하는 시간이 길 어지는 현상 –Netspilt 전에 자주 발생 DCC(Direct Client to Client protocol) –One to one(chat or send files) –Bypass IRC server, connect your ISP to the other person ’ s ISP
Chatting in mIRC Getting mIRC – Connection to an IRC Server Listing Channels Joining Channels Starting to chat Whispering Sending files Leaving Channels and Disconnecting from servers
The mIRC Setup dialog box
Listing / joining Channels
Starting to chat
Chatting in Microsoft Chat and V-Chat Getting Microsoft Chat and V-chat – Connecting Listing channels Joining Channels and Chatting Whispering Actions
Getting Microsoft Chat
Listing channels
Starting Chatting
Staring and Managing a Channel Type “ /who #channelname ” Channel operator –/mode command Setting the Topic –Type “ /topic subject ” Kicking and Banning Users –Kick : 어떤 사용자를 channel 에서 몰아냄 –Ban(banish) : kick + rejoin 금지 Designating Other Chanops Other chanop Commands
General IRC Tips Productive, pleasant and safe 하기 위한 몇 가지 Tips –IRC is not case-sensitive –With the larger nets, requesting a list of channels can disconnect you from your server. –When you a private message (whisper) by the /msg command –Learning More :